It's just so convenient to be fragile

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We all received the same message in the group chat from Stan: *bonfire my place 2 night @ 8* so around 7:30 Kenny was outside with Butters and Cartman but to my surprise, Craig and Tweek stood among them. Anywhere Craig went Tweek was soon to follow they had been together since the fourth grade and irrsepratebale from each other like Stan and Wendy were at first. Unlike Stan and Wendy Tweek and Craig had been together and were going strong, I didn't understand how they fit together but I didn't question it either because somehow they were perfect. Some days I'd look at them holding hands or laughing with each other and wish I could have that too.

Craig and Kenny had started getting a lot closer, the three of them almost always showed up together. I shouldn't have been as surprised to see them all there, but still, Stan's message went to our group chat and that didn't include Tweek and Craig.

"Come on kosher boy, just gonna stand there or are we leaving?" Eric remarked.

"Yeah yeah fuck you Cartman" I shut the door behind me and the six of us headed for Stan's farm. His farm was out of the way but I didn't mind the walk none of us could really drive yet except Craig. Kenny was the next closest to being able to drive legally, he had learned how to drive, and although he couldn't do it legally that didn't stop him. I smiled to myself thinking about all the stupid things Kenny did.

I pushed my hands into my pocket to keep myself from picking at the skin on my fingers, I already wore three band-aids around both index fingers and my ring finger.

"Why do you think Stan wants to hang out all of the sudden after he ditched us huh?" Cartman said breaking our comfortable silence.

"He didn't mean to ditch us Cartman shut up," Kenny said back.

"Do ya think he's gonna have stuff for s'mores fellas?" Butter piped up. I was too embarrassed to say anything but I had never eaten a s'more before. I knew what it was and the basic idea but I still thought the idea was odd.

"I sure do love marshmallows!" Butters said after no one said anything to his last remark.

"Well, I am expecting some kind of refreshments after all this walking I'm going to be starving." Eric pouted.

"Yeah and what's new fat ass!" Craig spat out and laughed, "You could use the walking Cartman you are a fucking marshmallow!" He continued. Eric's face turned a bright red.

"OI! Don't call me fat your fag!"

Craig stopped laughing. His face showed nothing but from how sudden his change was we could all tell he was pissed.

"Ack! Craig," Tweek grabbed at him. Craig removed his arm from over at Teek's shoulders and got close to Cartman.

"You ever call me a fag again Cartman and I will break both your legs," Craig spat out in a hushed voice filled with anger.

"Ack! Guys! Grak!" Tweek was twitching more now and panicking. He reached for Craig's hand and started trying to pull him back from Cartman before anything else could happen. "Please don't- don't do anything, Craig, please?" Tweek pleaded.

"Sorry babe, you just know how I feel about that word"

"So anyway fellas! Let's keep moving so we can get there by 8" Butters flashed a weak smile. We all started walking again and Craig huffed. The tension was still high even as Butters tried to soften the mood back up. He was nervously snapping the band of a little beaded bracelet on his wrist while he tried to get us all talking again. Tweek tried as well still holding on the Craig who was clearly still pissed.

Coming up the dirt driveway to Stan's place from behind the barn we could see a cloud of thick black smoke rising through the air. We picked up the pace and headed around the barn. Stan sat in a lawn chair with a can in his hand and a bulky trash bag on one side of his chair and a cooler on the other. There was music coming from somewhere, loud rock some of his favorite.

"Hey Stan!" Butters said excitedly, we all said hellos except Craig who just sort of grunted. Stan's head whipped up looking back at us all.

"Common over guys let's get this party started," he smiled at us. I looked eyes with Stan, his smile didn't seem genuine and his eyes looked droopy. As everyone made their way to a lawn chair around Stan I studied him a minute longer, my eyes went from his face to his hand back to his face. Beer can, that's why he's all smiles. He must have noticed my staring as his face went red and he quickly looked away.

"What kind of party are we starting?" I shyly asked.

"Tonight," he was interrupted by a hiccup, "tonight we're celebrating our freedom and we're celebrating being guys!" He threw his arms up in the air above his head and hooted.

"What's in the bag?" I asked

"Our kindling gentleman," he giggled, "and Craig."

God when was the last time he giggled? He's so... I shook my head and cut myself off. The fire already had a decent start to it but when Stan started pulling items out of the bag and passing them around we all understood.

"Fuck her!" he hollered throwing his hands up.

"Hell yeah!" Cartman cheered, "Burning stuff!"

The rest of the boys cheered with him as Stan got up clumsily dancing to the music, I watched him as he spun and twirled waving his arms everywhere as he did. I smiled as I watched him acting all stupid. I watched him and blushed before I joined in adding things to the fire. I danced and jumped around a little with Stan holding his hand and spinning him.

We threw things into the fire and would watch them burn for a little, Stan's smile never stopped it only seemed to get bigger as everyone laughed and danced around with him. The music was loud and we were all yelling, laughing carrying on like kids again. I felt a bit nostalgic for how everything was before we started growing up.

He's happy, and laughing it's been so long since I'd seen him like this. I knew he was definitely buzzed not quite drunk but this still wasn't his usual type of drunk. Everyone including myself and Even Butters was at least one beer deep, Stan was probably about three maybe four beers deep. Everyone had kind of died down a little as it was dark and getting a bit cooler.

I took it upon myself to throw out the rest of the things in the trash bag that we couldn't burn. Before I left I studied Stan, he was holding his stomach and laughing his face was bright red. I relaxed seeing him like this and went to go throw out the remainders of Wendy.

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