I would sleep better on your floor then ever in my bed

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It was quiet, the soft shutting of the front door and the cuttable tension between the remaining four. "And then there were four...." Kenny finally spoke, awkwardly. I glared at him his face dusted a light pink from some kind of embarrassment, realizing this was not the time for his stupidity. There was something so cold that he marched out of the house. I swallowed hard biting back my urge to go run after him. I wanted to hold him, protect him from his mother and her stupid stupid unjust fucking judgment. I just still couldn't fathom what the hell her problem was, there was a subtle and dangoure type of rage building.

It was completely different from the anger my dad caused there was always a special kind of nerve that Sheila managed to hit and I hated it. Kyle's mom was someone I merely tolerated for his sake, he knew, Kenny knew, Cartman knew, and everyone knew how much I didn't like her. Maybe I was just biased Kyle being my boyfriend and all but whenever it came to the relationship between him and his mother, it always left me with an uncomfortable lump in my throat I painfully swallowed and tried to ignore. Everyone knew exactly how I felt about Shelia Brovfloski.

When we were younger things were different, we were just kids but when we started getting older Sheila started to change. It was very clear how she felt about Kyle's place in the world, both his parents made it subtable but still very clear they thought that themselves and their children were better than most. The Brovfloskis had always liked me, I was always the parent pleaser of the group, and compared to the other options, Kenny and Cartman, I was the best company they could hope for Kyle. I basically lived at their house during breaks to get away from my own shitty family trading it for another type of shitty family. While Kyle's family welcomed me with open arms they still made it clear that there were invisible lines I needed to stay behind.

Both his parents wanted so much from him and pushed him so hard and it didn't help that Ike was some kind of kid genius, They made it clear to all his friends and Ike's friends too, that no one would hold back their sons. Kyle is so fucking smart but still, I cringe physically whenever I hear Sheila say some bullshit like, "But Ike is doing this..." or "Ike is doing that..." almost like she was trying to put them against each other. Kyle loved Ike and Ike loved Kyle so they never saw each other as competition but still it almost seemed like that's what Shelia wanted. Sheila had some type of perfect plan for her son and the disgust in her tone made it sound like being gay, let alone gay with the kid that lives on a weed farm was no part of that plan, and she would do everything to keep it that way.

"Do you fellas think he'll be okay?" Butters asked anxiously rubbing together his knuckles together, the sound of the skin on his slim fingers rubbing together dully filling the background.

"He'll be... I don't-" I stuttered, My heart dropped to my stomach and suddenly my rage was gone, the weight uncomfortably sitting while my stomach turned.

"Yeah, he'll be fine, he always is," Cartman tssked.

"Yeah, he always is," I mimicked in the way of agreeance. "he's going to be fine," I said again more to myself.

"This is all so totally weird," Kenny hummed and I found myself nodding. This wasn't how it was supposed to go

"What's weird?" Butter's asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"You know we're all so scared of his mom but he acts so much like her I think we should be more scared of him," Kenny laughed to himself, and Butters followed suit with a closed-lip smile.

"He's a ginger, a jew, and might I remind you from JERSY! There's nothing to be scared of," Cartman scoffed.

"Tell me that again next time he gives you a black eye and split lip," I nodded. Cartman and Kyle had always been at each other's throats, yeah they got better with age but still it often escalated quickly and got physical. Cartman just grumbled something under his breath and I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in.

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