It's okay no ones around, I'm off season

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When I opened the door to see Wendy on my porch it caught me a bit off guard. She looked tired and her eyes were puffy like she had been crying a whole lot. I started to say something but she just threw herself into a hug, wrapping her arms around me.

"You're his best friend, Kyle," she let out in a mumbled cry "I don't know what to do."

"H-hey there Wendy, uh, good morning I guess?" I awkwardly remarked not being able to think about what to do now. I stood on my front porch frozen until she let go and I led Wendy inside. together we sat in awkward silence. She started to tell me about seeing Stan last night, great they're getting back together for the thousandth time.. again, but she went on to tell me about how scared she was for him.

"He was outside my house at 2;30 in the morning yelling at me. He was drunk and angry. The way he grabbed me," she shuttered "That was the first time I was scared of Stan. He's changed Kyle, he's not who he used to be"

"Yeah but like isn't that why you guys broke up? changing and growing or whatever?"

"No that's not what I-" she thought carefully before continuing, "he needs help."


"Theapry or rehab I don't know. He's so angry all the time."

"Stan has a right to be angry he has a lot of shitty stuff happening in his life Wnedy!"

"But the drinking Kyle! your his best friend you have to see it too." I thought about it. everyone around here drank, we all had shitty lives and wanted to lighten up. Even if you didn't have a shitty life you still drank for fun. It was normal for us. So what if Stan's drinking got heavier the more stuff he had going on? It's not like he was violent, and he wasn't wasted all the time like Kenny's parents.

"It was one bad night Wendy, you have to realize you crushed him. It's not like before and he knows it."

"And this is why I broke up with him!"

"Wendy please he's just having some fun we all do! it's like saying that Kenny and Craig are drug addicts because they get high a lot. They're not hurting anyone and Stan isn't either," I stopped putting my head in my hands, "leave him alone Wendy you've already done enough damage."

"Oh my god- He did hurt someone, Kyle! He hurt me! I'm scared for him! And Jesus Christ I've done enough damage?? " her face was red and I could see the anger building in her. "Wake up Kyle, you need to see him for that he really is."

"I'm sorry that he's changing and growing out of that perfect boyfriend Wendy but maybe he's not the problem, it's such a bitch move to break up with someone because you can't deal with their emotional baggage!" I yelled, "Maybe inside of breaking up with him and coming crying to me you could have talked to him and figured your own shit out!"

"Kyle you don't know what it's like in a relationship!" we were both yelling now. I thought Wendy was going to hit me but instead, she grabbed my face and kissed me. Her lips were warm and moist against mine. I couldn't react I didn't know how to react. She bit my bottom lip a little and her lips still working against mine, and I sat there unable to do anything. She stopped when she realized I wasn't going to kiss her back and gave me a hurt look.

"Wendy! What the actual FUCK!" she looked down and wiped her lips with the back of her hand. "You can't go from yelling at me to... to fucking kissing me!" She continued to look down. I could tell she was starting to cry now.

"I'm sorry- I can't even really explain why I did that, but Kyle I tried to talk to him and he won't talk to me," she raised her hands to her face to try and dry her eyes. "I broke up with him because I don't know him anymore, and he's not letting me in. Clearly, there's someone else he is letting in." she got up and headed for the door. I wanted to ask her what she meant by that last part but she was already gone.

That was the first time a girl had kissed me and something inside me felt wrong. I had kissed a girl in the fourth grade, just a little peck, and once under the bleacher at a school dance in middle school. The last time I kissed a girl I felt the same way wrong. Kissing girls was something every guy wanted to do but I couldn't understand why. My stomach turned thinking about my awkward kiss under the bleachers. It was so uncomfortable having her lips on mine and her tongue sliding into my mouth. After we had kissed I ran away, I lied to my friends saying it was great assuming that they actually knew it was gross too but not wanting to look weird by saying it.

Now I returned to the moment and Wendy. I thought about the last thing she said to me and I couldn't put any type of meaning to it. I sat alone counting to figure out who or what she was talking about. The morning was still early and what just happened was too much to think about for the time it was. I went back to what Wendy told me about, stans drunken fit in the middle of the night. Drinking is normal for us even if it's a little heavy right?

The standard for alcoholism in South Park was pretty low along with the standards for most things. Maybe Wendy was looking too far into it but there was a part of me that worried now. Maybe Stans's drinking inst normal maybe he does need help. I had seen Stan get really wasted before on more than one occasion, I was one of the few people who didn't regularly get hammered at Clyde Donnovans's parties, but nothing about Stan did separate him from the people who did get hammered all the time. Sometimes it happened a lot quicker usually when he was upset but he still... I tried to push the thought out of my mind.

"Kyle we heard yelling is everything okay?" my mom called from the top of the stairs.

"Yeah and was that a girl's voice yelling?" my dad added.


"Yeah, Mom and Dad everything is fine it was just Wendy something about Stan" I really hate that girl.

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