Start from the beginning

Colin pulled Fred into a hug, and Fred accepted it as he let out a soft sigh and he wrapped his arms around him. "I'm sorry", Colin softly told him. "I just really want to help my best friend... it's hard when he's not letting me in y'know?" He asked. "I understand that", Fred said softly. "I just... I don't want to ruin our friendship because something happened between Josh and I", he muttered.

"It won't, okay? I don't wanna lose you either. I'm sorry for pushing you and bothering you about this every time", Colin said. "I'll try not to."

"Thank you", Fred said, a soft relief in his voice as they pulled back.


"Psssssssst! Colin!"

Colin turned around confusedly, when he saw Lucas on the side of the stage. "Oh! Hi!" Colin said. "C'mere!" Lucas gestured at him. "C'mon", Colin said. "Wait who's that?" Fred asked. "He's Tyler's close friend", Colin replied. "Really?" Fred asked, eyebrows raising. Colin nodded, taking Fred with him.

As they got to where Lucas was, he told the security that they could pass and Colin and a nervous Fred did. When they did, they saw Tyler in the back corner, leaning against the wall. "Hi", he smiled.

"Holy sh- hi!" Colin said. "I- what the hell", Fred muttered. "Hey Colin", Tyler smiled as he gave him a hug. "Who's this?" He asked as he looked at Fred. "This is Fred!" Colin said.

"Oh he's Fred!" Lucas gasped. "...you know him?" Colin asked. "Uh- I- Josh mentioned that they were uh... roommates? A while ago?" Lucas said. "Uh yeah we... we are, yeah. Technically", Fred said, a soft laugh coming from his lips. They weren't really being roommates right now, but technically, they still were.

"I'm Tyler", he said. "No shit", Lucas chuckled, as Tyler let out a laugh and he also gave Fred a hug. "Where's Josh?" Tyler then asked.

"I don't know", Colin said.

Tyler frowned. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Lucas said that you said you were gonna be here", Tyler said. "Yeah well... he was, I mean, he is? Uhm... So we were supposed to be here together, all of us", Colin said. "And then this morning Josh suddenly said he wanted to go with his boyfriend instead of us."

"Oh Jonathon's here too? I thought you guys were friends as well?" Tyler asked. "Oh no, not Jon", Lucas said. "Right, they broke up last year", Colin confirmed. "He's got someone else now."

Fred looked down, not really knowing what to say. It just felt especially awkward for him, talking about Josh's boyfriend, when he still had a huge crush on him.

"But he's still here right? At the venue?" Tyler asked. "I'm not sure, I think so? Let me call him", Colin said. He tried calling, but Josh didn't pick up. He tried again; no answer.

"I'll try too", Fred said. He hadn't done that in quite a long time, but if Tyler was asking for Josh, he was willing to put what happened aside to make sure Josh would know.

He tried calling once, twice; no answer. Colin was texting Josh religiously. "Maybe he's ignoring us because of what happened", Colin said. "You had a falling out?" Lucas asked. "I... not really, it's just... something's up with Josh and he's not saying what it is and then he tends to avoid me", Colin said. "...oh", Tyler said softly.

"Okay let me try to reach him", Lucas said as he dialed Josh's number too. Once, twice, three times; no answer.

"Okay let me ask Gracie if they've seen them", Colin said. "They're at the merch stand." "I'll go check with you", Lucas said.

Fred didn't mind that he'd wait, until he turned around and he realized he was alone with Tyler.

"So... Fred, Josh's roommate", Tyler started with a soft smile, and Fred let out a soft laugh. "Yeah", he said. "Did you enjoy the show?" Tyler asked, leaning against the wall again. Fred nodded, shifting from one foot to the other a bit nervously, but there was a smile on his face. "We loved it, we had so much fun. It's the first time for some of us that we've seen you live with, like, your own headline show, and we were so excited but it was even better than we thought it'd be", he blushed. "Aw man, that makes me happy", Tyler smiled. "I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. What about the new tunes?" He asked. "Oh we've been listening to anything you put out non-stop", he chuckled. "It's nice having a group of friends who all love the same music. We all gather together whenever something new is released to be able to share that. So it's been fun", Fred smiled. "And we've been loving Astronaut. It just came out though so we're still kind of discovering and exploring some songs, but it's just gorgeous", he smiled.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now