"Ah, my best friends", Fred smiled as he looked at them with Josh. "Can you tell me about them?" Josh asked. He was curious, and Fred really liked that he was. "Yeah, definitely", Fred said.

"So this guy..." he started as he pointed at one of them. "That's my cousin, my nephew Finn. We started our band together", Fred said. "Together with this guy, our Jonathan", he chuckled. "Oh man, you have a Jonathan too?" Josh giggled, and Fred nodded with a soft laugh. "Our nickname for him is Jona though. Comes in handy now that we need to keep them apart", he chuckled. "This is Luca, he and I might be the closest. Used to have a crush on him several years ago but he's as straight as a ruler", Fred chuckled as he pointed at the bottom left picture where he was in with Luca, and what Fred had said made Josh laugh softly too. "And that's our drummer, stupidly enough also called Finn, but his last name is Thomas so we always just go with Tom, honestly", Fred said.

"Wait... You said nephew right? Didn't you move here as a kid?" Josh asked. "Yeah, yeah we did. He was born in Germany too and came here about three or four years after my parents and I did. Most of our close family is now here in the US. Only more distant family and one of my grandparents is still in Germany."

Josh nodded. "I see. So... how did you all meet? Except for you and your nephew of course. Uh... Finn, wasn't it?" He asked, and Fred nodded. "Right. Finn and I were close because we both only started learning English when we got here. Before that, we only knew German, so when he got here we were each other's best and most supportive friends at the time. Finn started going to the same school as I did, and I had met my Jonathan right before he got here. Then us three started messing around with music as kids, and then we met Luca in school, and we figured we'd start some kind of band. We basically started off as a school band", Fred said.

"We didn't have a drummer so we hung up 'application' posters around school", he chuckled. "And no one but Tom responded, so he's been with us ever since", he smiled softly. "Now we're all doing our thing for a few years to try and come back together to actually continue this band, y'know? It's kind of on the down low now but we're all basically doing this because we all really believe in what we're doing", Fred said.

"Judging by how incredible you are at songwriting and singing and playing guitar and other instruments, I wholeheartedly agree", Josh said, and Fred smiled. "I hope so. I really want to be right. I think there's something there in our music and what we have... something that might connect with others out there", Fred said. "Already connected with me", Josh said. "My music, or me?" Fred asked with a laugh, and Josh giggled. "Both?" he said, and Fred laughed as he pressed a kiss on Josh's forehead. "We should have some breakfast and get ready to meet up with my boys", Fred said, and Josh nodded. "I still need to get dressed", he said. "Don't worry, take your time. Oh by the way, when's that new Ty song dropping today?" Fred asked as he let go of Josh, stepping away to fix his hair in the mirror.

Josh gasped as he grabbed his phone to check the time. "Now! Like, six minutes ago!" He said. "What!" Fred exclaimed, quickly moving to turn his PC on so they could listen to the song with great sound quality.

Fred sat down on the chair, moving his foot up and down as he impatiently waited for it to start, as he hadn't used it in a while, not since the last time he'd visited his family.

Josh stood next to him, nervously, biting his nails. Fred noticed, and he reached out for Josh. He gently pulled him closer and wrapped his arm around Josh's waist, making him sit down on his lap. Josh blushed as he wrapped his arms around Fred's neck and he pressed a kiss on his damp hair. Fred's arm remained around Josh's waist.

As the computer was finally ready, he quickly opened Spotify, went to Tyler's page, and saw the new song: hold my breath.

"Ready?" Fred asked. "No", Josh muttered. "Play it."

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now