Mom: I'm Gonna Look Like A Loser!

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Mom: I'm Gonna Look Like A Loser!

So here's the thing:

First thing I'd like to add, I finished my first day of work today!! I'm officially a working gal!

Second, my mother is making me use an old ass phone during work.

She doesn't want me to be "distracted" whenever my phone goes off which, according to her, it goes off all the time. In reality, it doesn't. It just happens to go off when she's around, but the hard truth is, her daughter is a low-life loser with no friends (with the exception of my Wattpad friends, of course, but my Wattpad account has been super dead anyway).

She trusted me with the phone at work when I still had my previous job, but since three years have passed where I've been glued to my phone screen, she thinks I could not be trusted (even though my parents' phone addictions have gotten them to nearly burn a house down, but that's a whole other thing). Her phone goes off WAY more than mine does with all her friends texting her and my aunt sending her TikToks and yet, I'M the one with a problem.

Now, because she doesn't trust me or realize I'd be working in the lobby while my phone would be in the office the whole time anyway, she's making me use this 20-30-year-old phone. She's currently teaching me how to use it, but it's like teaching a baby algebra —


I refuse to use that ancient machine. Mom 'says' it's only temporary, but who knows how long I'm gonna be stuck with this piece of shit?? I'M A 23-YEAR-OLD IN THE 2020s! I NEED TO USE MODERN TECHNOLOGY LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!

EVEN, SHE HERSELF, HAD A HARD TIME FIGURING IT OUT AND SHE EXPECTS ME TO NAVIGATE AN ANCIENT DEVICE! least, I have a newfound appreciation for my phone. I've been obsessing over wanting a new phone (because it's about 5 years old), but compared to this 30-year-old POS crap, I don't even care. At least it has a much better screen, much easier to use and is 30 years newer. I'd still have my regular phone at home and so far, they only have me working five hours so I'd be reuniting with my baby very soon!

Question: On a scale of 1-10, how addicted do you think you are to your phone?

PS: My slow ass brain didn't think about this until AFTER I already published this, but those ancient ass phones were what the DINOSAURS used. They used these to text each other saying:

"Uhh...there's an asteroid hurdling toward us right now. We're all gonna die in 30 seconds. I love you. Goodbye"



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