Youtubers: You're Youtubers. Not Models!

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Youtubers: You're Youtubers

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Youtubers: You're Youtubers. Not Models!

I'm sorry. The recent streak of rants about YouTube and writing, it's really showing the lack of life I have right now.

But that's just how it is lol!

So YouTube.


This is another one about Sam & Jess (I don't remember which rant chapters I've mentioned them in and I'm too lazy to look tbh).

On Instagram, she posted pictures of herself dramatically posing with the caption: "New year, New me".

I was sitting there like: "Oh yeah. You're still being one of those wives who force your husband to take your pictures (which isn't even the job of being your husband. There's nothing in the vows that says 'I vow to take your insta pictures for the rest of our lives') for you, you pose all dramatic and you're acting like you're a freakin' model, but yeah. Let's say that it's a new you."

Like, you're not a Victoria's Secret model, you're a freakin YOUTUBER, for heaven's sake!!

I understand that, as an influencer, it's your job to post regularly on Instagram but you don't need to be all extra and pose like a model for the pictures. WTF?? You can go out, go bowling, mini golfing or something like and post about THAT on insta. No one needs to see you posing like that.

What the s***??


*sighs, rubs my temples* Sometimes, people annoy tf out of me.

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