Wattpad: What Now?

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Wattpad: What Now?

It should not have been this DAMN hard to fill out an awards form!

First, I had to add a link which used to go smoothly on my phone, right?

Well, for some reason, the engine search I used decided to be a bitch this morning and I couldn't log in. It was a different format for the Wattpad log-in page too for some reason. Like the format you would've seen on your laptop. I tapped the 'log in' button...

Nothing effing happened.

Out of frustration, I tapped it repeatedly and it zoomed in and out, but no response.


Second, I decided to do the easier way (which I should've done in the first place) and retrieved the link via the app. I returned to the comment section of the award book and tried to paste the form that I started before this bullshit happened. It pasted the link here, but there was no option to view my clipboard to paste the form.


Not that it was that hard to rewrite at all, but still. I still should've had the option to view my effing clipboard which I no longer have the option to do.

I don't know if it's the new comment section format or whatever, but it's just frustrating as hell!


I'm sorry. I'm still a little sick so the littlest things are pissing me tf off these days.

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