My Parents: Cry Me A River, Build A Bridge and Get The Fuck Over It!

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My Parents: Cry Me A River, Build A Bridge and Get The Fuck Over It!

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My Parents: Cry Me A River, Build A Bridge and Get The Fuck Over It!


I am so fucking done with this shit at this point.

All I want to do is rip my ears out and throw them at my parents, for heaven's sake!

I woke up today thankful for another day, another day of having a roof over my head, food on my table, two loving and caring parents and the gift of writing that I can't live without.


There's a HOWEVER.

I have had enough, ENOUGH

of my parents whining and bitching about politics

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of my parents whining and bitching about politics. I was making lunch in the kitchen and my parents were in the living room with my Auntie Patty (the only member of my dad's family I actually like as mentioned in the rant about my dad's sisters) on speaker as they BITCH about politics and how this state is turning blue (whatever that means. Even though I know what it means but I wish I didn't because I don't care).


Bitching about it like babies isn't going to make things better. You know what will? Praying. Keeping that close relationship with God. Having faith in Him.

My parents? They don't seem to have a lick of faith in God and the irony is, they're the ones who taught me about Him! They would rather bitch and complain about it and expect immediate results!

If this is the new normal, if when dad retires and moves here in June and he and mom call my aunt every damn day with her on speaker bitching and whining about politics, I swear to God, with Him as my witness, I will get a job, make friends with the first girl my age that I see, become besties and ask her if I could live with them. Because I am so fucking done with my parents.

I'd been on the fence about letting my mom read this rant book (she said that she wants to read my books, but doesn't have the time), but honestly? I WANT her to. Her and my father to read this chapter specifically to make them understand that BITCHING DOESN'T DO SHIT.




I'm sorry for venting so much about this topic. I'm just so fucking done.

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