Kids These Days: They're So Damn Spoiled (prt. 2)

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Kids These Days: They're So Damn Spoiled (prt

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Kids These Days: They're So Damn Spoiled (prt. 2)


Another one...

My parents and I were walking into Walmart and you can guess what I saw...a kid.


on a phone.

....for why?

Kids her age don't need a phone.

To be fair, it was probably her mom's and she gave it to her to keep her busy while she was shopping, but if a kid complains about being bored? Tell them to bring a toy next time!

Some kids are stupid. They don't know the value of phones. If they drop it, they don't understand how expensive it is to fix it. They're thinking:

"It's not my problem."

And it's not because they're not the ones paying for it!

I know this is a super short one and I've mentioned this before but kids who don't work don't deserve a phone and if they're bored while their parents our shopping and forgot to bring a toy, boo-fucking-hoo.

They're just gonna have to deal with it and move on!


Bottom line is...

Kids don't need phones and those who let them borrow theirs are stupid and are only spoiling them further.

They don't need any of that shit.

If it's an emergency at the house, tell them to use the house phone.

I'm just saying!

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