Walmart: Y'all Need To Fire Your Workers!

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Walmart: Y'all Need To Fire Your Workers!


We're now 137 chapters in in this rant book and my faith in society or humanity is still...very, very low.

We were at Walmart (as you can tell by the title) checking out at the self-checkout area.

The workers?

Were on their damn phones!

There was one family that needed assistance and there was only one worker that didn't have their phone out.

Out of three!

The other two were on their phones together, not doing their damn job!

My mom is just as pissed off about that too. We're doing the work, we're checking ourselves out (not in the conceited way! You know what I mean! Lol), while they're standing there on their dumbass phones and getting paid a lot!

How the hell is that fair?!

Mom says that when I get a job, I'd have to leave my phone home but I have 10x more willpower than those horrible people! Hell, I have more self control than my own damn parents!

They both have had incidents where they nearly burned a house down. That's how bad their phone addictions are (I don't remember if I've ranted about it in this book or not).

The literal audacity!

Just do your damn job, assholes!

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