Girls: Let's Not Get Stereotypical Here...

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Girls: Let's Not Get Stereotypical Here...

This isn't that much of a rant, but still felt like this needed to be said.

This one's about another YouTube video posted by Sam & Jess. It's not about her complaining about something small or about acting more like a model than a YouTuber on Instagram. They posted a video today about 'girl code' where the husband tried to guess what it means when women say certain things. One of them:

"I'll be ready in five minutes."

That is commonly known as a lie amongst women who take FOREVER getting ready.

If, by chance, there are guys reading this, let me make things clear. Not ALL women take that long. I actually take five minutes. It's amazing how much time you can shave off if you don't give a shit about your hair (as long as it's clean) or about makeup.

I even explained this in my book Dysarthria (pardon the subtle plug!) about how I would go to the store in my pajama top and leggings with the same zip-up jacket. On my lazier days, if we're just running one errand real quick, I don't even wear a bra! If it's warm out, I throw on a nice summer top and jeans. If it's winter season, a sweater and a cozy pair of leggings. It doesn't take long at ALL for me to get ready and if I take a long time, that's only because it's a special enough occasion that my mother forces me to fix up my hair and makeup.

I hate it when women stereotype every other woman and say that we take over an hour to get ready when not all of us do. Whether you're a tomboy or not a tomboy, but also not a girly-girl, we don't always spend so damn long on our hair or face.

Comment below how long it takes for YOU to get ready when about to go out.

Thank you and goodnight (or good morning. Don't know what time it is where you are).

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