Dad: The Animal Hater (prt. 2)

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Dad: The Animal Hater (prt. 2)


He should've stayed with his parents. Where the volume is all the way up on the TV, the parents bicker at each other. Instead of whining, bitching and making US miserable, HE should've been miserable staying there.

Instead of fucking up our time with my sister and brother-in-law and their dogs, he could've stayed home with his parents and being forced to watch the news so loud that China could hear it.

Now's the time for what you clicked on this chapter for...

The rant.

In the first part of Dad: The Animal Hater, dad bitched about my brother's dog.


He bitches about both my sister's dogs.

We open the curtains every morning and every damn time, they see someone walking by the house, perhaps someone with another dog, they run to the window and start barking. Either that or they see a bird or squirrel in the backyard, they go nuts.

My dad?

He doesn't have the patience for shit.

He doesn't have the right to bitch about his father when he behaves the same damn way: like a miserable old grump.

He keeps saying "Oh my God."


"Shut up!"

And every time he says that, I want, so damn badly, to say "Pack your shit and stay with your parents. I'm fucking done with you."

Hell, I have more patience for the dogs than I do babies, than I do children, and ESPECIALLY more than my father.

I BEG my sister or brother-in-law to walk in on him calling the dogs bitches, pieces of shit, on him screaming at them so they see just how bad he is. That way, if they know, they'll never let him stay with them again.

But WE can!

That'd the best part!

They say he can't stay while we can!

Just seconds before I typed that last part, they started barking and he started bitching. AGAIN. Saying "Why do they do this to themselves?"


When he comes back home with us and if we visit with my brother, he better stfu or I'm gonna scream and expose his animal-hating habits to his son because fuck it. I can't deal with his constant whining like a wittle fucking BABY.

Like, shit. If we visit with my brother, he's fucking staying home. No matter how many times he begs to see his son who he hasn't seen in months, he's fucking staying home.

*sigh, rubs my temples*


If I never created this rant book, I would've exploded into bits a long ass time ago.

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