Friends: Rachel's A Selfish Bitch

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Friends: Rachel's A Selfish Bitch


I know this is just a show and I shouldn't let this bother me, but this is something that irritates me. If you do not agree, feel free to skip this chapter.

Now, I'm a HUGE fan of this show! If there's an opportunity where I could quote the show, I'd take it immediately. If someone says "Pivot", the first thing that comes to mind is the image of Ross, Chandler and Rachel carrying the couch up the stairs.

So don't get me wrong. Despite what the title of this rant entails, I still think it's the greatest sitcom of all time. And considering that I always thought that Monica was a selfish, obsessive, demanding bitch, I thought she'd be the character I'd rant about.

Interestingly no...

This is where the rant starts:

Mom is rewatching one of the beach episodes and I'm glad that I'm in my room instead of watching it with her.

Bonnie could've actually had feelings for Ross. But Rachel didn't give a shit. All she was thinking about was HER OWN feelings. She didn't care if Bonnie's heart was broken.

That was actually the SECOND time I felt that way.

In season 2, Julie came into the picture. Julie seemed to really like Ross. After the whole 'Ross kissed Rachel' ordeal, Ross dumped poor Julie. Upon receiving that news, Rachel was selfishly happy. She was only thinking about how happy she was that they could finally be together.

Julie's heart was broken. Rachel didn't give a tiny rat's ass.

In season 3, when the whole 'Ross cheating on her with another woman during a break' scenario came up, Ross mentioned that he doesn't cheat (even though, previously, he had cheated on Julie with Rachel and later, cheated on Bonnie with Rachel). So technically, he HAD cheated and with the help of Rachel, as a matter of fact.

As I said in the beginning, I know this is just a show and Rachel is, otherwise, a loveable, funny character. This is just my opinion on those episodes / scenes.

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