Dad: The Animal Hater

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Dad: The Animal Hater

As I've mentioned in the last rant about my dad, we're staying at my brother's and future sister's house until the painters are done with our house.

And yes, the puppy is STILL being a pain in the butt to him. That's not what this rant is about though. The puppy, Kaiya, may be attention-seeking and annoying at times (hell, I've dogsat them before), but you just gotta have patience.

My father?

As long as I'd known him, he's been the least patient man I've ever known in my entire life.

1. He said that he would NOT want her at our house. He'd let her loose and let the coyotes get her.

If he did that, I would never-MY BROTHER would never talk to him again if he let her be killed.

2. He called her retarded and an idiot!

Like WTF?? You don't say that to a damn dog! He also called her a POS (piece of shit)! He may not have said the full words, but I wouldn't even let him call her POS. The dog may not know what that means, but I do.

That man shouldn't be allowed around dogs or ANY pet, for heaven's sake!

If he keeps this up and slips up that he wishes a coyote would get her or something in front of my brother and future sister, he would get us kicked tf out and we would never be able to stay with them again (at least not dad).


If he's like that when they get human babies, he would never be allowed near their kids.


*sigh, closes my eyes to take a deep breath and rubs my temples*

I'm cool.

I'm fine.

I just hate my father when he's like that.

But I'm cool.

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