Men: Ugh. That's All I Have To Say...

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Men: Ugh. That's All I Have To Say...

Men are disgusting.

Men are monsters.

Men are...the most evil creatures to ever exist on earth.

Now, I'm not saying that ALL men could be described by the above. There are just as many good ones out there. It's just that...

How many of y'all have seen Where The Crawdads Sing?

*raises hand*

I'd been meaning to watch this for a while until last night when I finally got around to it.


One of the men in the movie? Absolutely disgusting. He was pushy, a liar, and he was only using her for sex to make himself feel good. Those type of men make me sick to my stomach. At one point, he 'apologized', slapped her and attempted to rape her, all in the same scene. Saying that she was his, she belongs to him, that he wouldn't let her get away this time. Thankfully, she was smart enough to fight back with a rock to his head, but still. What if she hadn't? I feel bad for some of the women out there who didn't have the strength to fight back.

There's a special place in hell for those type of men.

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