And I refuse to take another breath until you change who you've become

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I made a move to reach for the doorknob, my arm heavy like it was made out of lead, my hand gripped clumsily onto the door handle, how the fuck do you open a door again?? musscule memory kicked in and my wrist made a turning motion and the door slowly creaked open I forced one leg into the threshold and then the other.

"Hello?" I cracked out surprised my mother wasn't standing in the doorway with steam coming out of her ears waiting for me.

"Kyle?!" a shirke from the kitchen responded. within what could only be an inhumane amount of time my mother was staring me down, how did she even get here that fast I didn't even blink and she just appeared.

"H-hi Ma," I tried to say casually breathing evenly trying to make it look like I wasn't literary about to piss my pants. Her pudgy face was twisted into a look that could only be described as motherly rage. Her eyes squinted narrowing in at me attempting to make eye contact that I couldn't hold, green eyes burning on green eyes. Her frown lines are deep and visible her cheeks and angry red.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head up, God? Are you there? It's me Kyle Brovfloski and I'm sure you're a nice guy and all but I don't want to meet you yet give me a couple of years then you can strike me down or whatever but for now, just don't let her kill me okay? I said a scilncet prater if that could even be considered as a prayer.

"Kyle Mathew Brovfloki!" she yelled snapping my attention back to the current situation.

"Yeah, ma?" I attempted to cough, clear my throat to make my words come out less drenched in fear but it failed as my voice still came out small and shirll.

"Yeah ma?" she said in a mocking way, "That's all you have to say for yourself?! Where have you been?! What is the matter with you young man!?" she started yelling I slightly cringed at the shrillness of her voice.

She grabbed me by the ear continuing her target and dragged me to the kitchen where my dad sat at the table reading a paper.

"Do you have any idea what you've put me through?! Put US through?! You didn't answer my messages or my calls! What is the point of you having a phone if you're just going to blow me off hanging around with those good-for-nothing social security moochers in that making?! At least Stanely had the decency to answer his phone even if he didn't for his own mother! Is that where you get it? Thinking ignoring your mother is okay because Stanely does it?!"

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" I muttered as she sat me into a chair releasing my ear. I rubbed gently at my ear with the heel of my hand, she hadn't taken me by the ear since I was like nine at the most.

"I got a very awful phone call today from Mrs. Marsh Kyle, anything you want to say about that?" She sat crossed from me. My dad folded his paper putting it down now looking at me his expression calm as ever compared to my mother who was littlaery fuming vibrating with anger. Rather than answer, I looked down my hands neatly folded in my lap and I started to scrape my the nail of my index finger against my thumbnail cutital trying to peel back at it.

"Kyle, your mother asked you a question," he said in a stern but even-toned voice.

"No," I mumbled before clearing my throat to speak up again, "No ma'am what about it?"

"God I hate when you mumble Kyle but I hate it even more when you play dumb, you're a very smart boy with a bright future ahead of yourself and you need to start acting like it," his voice was eerily calm now I looked up meeting her eyes, they still burned with rage. "I don't want you to be around that boy anymore it seems everywhere you two go trouble always follows and Stan is at the center of it."


"Kyle, what have I told you about interrupting your mother?" My dad intervened and I closed my mouth still hanging open and looked down at my hands once again, my nails continuing to scrape at loose skin. My cheeks felt red and my throat was starting to burn a little.

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