Chapter 377: Appear

Start from the beginning

"Xiao-san, I am starting to like you a lot! Come, let's get a drink." Miyazaki Ronjin said.

"Isn't drunk driving illegal in Ri nation?" Xiao Luo said.


Kimura Akino answered eagerly, "In Ri nation, we consider drunk driving a criminal offense and it could amount to even five years of imprisonment. In addition, the police would not only issue a fine to the driver but even the people in the car. And, as for the people in the restaurant who did not stop the driver from drinking—they get fined too. And, if he borrowed the car from someone, the actual car owner could face five years of imprisonment and a fine too."


This piece of information amused Xiao Luo, as in the Hua nation, the worst punishment was detention and the lighter cases would usually end with a fine.

"Yes." Kimura Akino nodded.

"You are too naïve. I am driving a police car, so tell me, who has the guts to check on me!" Miyazaki Ronjin scowled.

Kimura Akino stubbornly tried to convince him and said, "Miyazaki-san, drunk driving is bad. What if you hit someone accidentally?"

"Boy, don't jinx it!" Miyazaki Ronjin snarled at him again.

Although Dongjing is a city with bustling nightlife, some places were perpetually in darkness. These spots seemed out of place compared to the well-lit parts of the city. And the small alley where their car was now, was just such place—there were only a few dimly lit lamps here.

After smoking a stick, Miyazaki Ronjin lit another one immediately. However, just as he was looking down at the cigarette, a shadowy figure appeared out of nowhere and walked into the path of their vehicle.

"Be careful!"

Xiao Luo reacted immediately and pulled on the steering wheel to avoid the pedestrian who appeared from nowhere.

Miyazaki Ronjin ignored the falling cigarette as he slammed onto the emergency brake. But it was too late! The person appeared too suddenly, like a silent ghost, with no warning.


The car rocked violently as it slammed into the figure, sending it sailing in the air and landing several meters away. It rolled for a few more meters after hitting the ground before it finally stopped.

"We... We've hit someone?"

Kimura Akino screamed in panic.

Miyazaki Ronjin was shocked, and then he looked back at Kimura Akino with a look of alarm. He quickly got out of his car to check on the victim. Kimura Akino followed him immediately.

Xiao Luo frowned deeply, and he knew the impact would unquestionably kill the victim. They were driving at a good speed, and the crash could even kill an elephant, let alone a man. Miyazaki Ronjin would undoubtedly find himself in a spot of trouble now.

Xiao Luo got alighted from the car but did not approach the man. He observed the quiet alley and concluded that there couldn't have been anyone in the alley when they drove by, so how could this man appear out of nowhere? Why would he run toward a moving car head-on? Could he be committing suicide?

"Oh, my God! Why, isn't he Wang Leyou?" Kimura Akino cried.

Wang Leyou?

Kimura Akino's words stunned Xiao Luo, as he knew very well about Wang Leyou. The five cases of missing Hua nation personnel include a person called Wang Leyou. Wasn't he kidnapped? What was he doing here now?

He strode over immediately.

Then, something horrifying occurred before all of their eyes. It sent chills down their spines.

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