Chapter 375: Sumo Wrestling

Comenzar desde el principio

Miyazaki Ronjin smoked his cigarette and smiled. After a long while, he asked, "Do you know why he chose to follow me?"

Xiao Luo frowned and shook his head, indicating that he did not know.

"The Yamaguchi-gumi killed his entire family. I managed to save him. Then, he was just a teenager."

Miyazaki Ronjin had an empathetic smile on his face. "I accidentally found out about him when I was looking through his files. And the guy still thinks that I don't know," he said.

"Well, you are quite a character," Xiao Luo remarked.

Miyazaki-san as he changed the subject. "Right, it is now time to give you my opinion about the disappearance of citizens from Hua nation," he said.

For some reason, Miyazaki Ronjin suddenly decided to discuss the case with Xiao Luo. He sat up on the sofa and said, "Why did the kidnappers target those five people? I don't think the abduction was carried out randomly. These missing people must have something in common—maybe it was because they happened to be at the same location and became targets for the kidnapper. Whether these people are from the Ri nation or the Hua nation, it's difficult to differentiate their nationality just from their appearance. The kidnapper probably only knew they were from the Hua nation from overhearing them speak."

Xiao Luo nodded and agreed with Miyazaki-san's line of thought.

That they would appear in the same place means that that place is popular for Hua nation's people," Miyazaki-san continued.

"Do you mean department stores like Ito Yokado?" asked Xiao Luo.

Miyazaki Ronjin nodded, then stood up and said, "Beyond these places, there is another place that you not have considered."

"Where?" Xiao Luo asked.

"Tangren Street," Miyazaki Ronjin said, as he took a drag on his cigarette and slowly exhaled the smoke.

Xiao Luo has never been to the Ri nation. So, he did not know that there was a Tangren Street in the city. It meant "Chinese street" in Japanese.

"I have checked the information on those five people. Four of them have friends who ran shops and conducted businesses in Tangren Street. The other one is a female student. We cannot rule out the possibility that she went to Tangren Street. Living in a foreign country for so long, Tangren Street would offer her the feeling of being back in the Hua nation," Miyazaki-san said.

"Do you mean that all five of them might have been targeted by the kidnappers at Tangren Street?" Xiao Luo asked.

"That's just my guess," Miyazaki Ronjin said, and after a pause, he continued, "As long as we're looking for the black SUV, we might as well make a trip to Tangren Street. I'm going to let you be the decoy to see if the kidnappers will target you."

"There are so many Hua nation people in Tangren Street. How can you be sure that the kidnapper will only target me?" Xiao Luo asked.

Miyazaki Ronjin said calmly, "I'm just trying my luck."

Trying your luck?

Xiao Luo broke out in laughter. This old man didn't seem so reliable after all.

For the time being, he still had no idea how he would carry out the investigation. According to the surveillance cameras in Dongjing, every time the owner of the black SUV kidnapped a person, he had always driven toward the outskirts of the city, disappearing into the dark of the night. It covered an extensive area and searching for the black SUV there was like looking for a needle in a haystack. So, his best alternative was to try Miyazaki Ronjin's method first.

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