Chapter 324: You Don't Need to Explain

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"I trust him," Su Li said without lifting her head from the book. "If he really crosses the line, I'll dissolve our marriage and return him his freedom," she said.


Shen Qingyan was quite shocked by that response, but she responded with a laugh. "If you really think like this, then it puts my heart at ease, but I know for certain that you don't," she said, "Perhaps both of you shared a strange moment when you went to collect the certificate, but you can't fool me any longer. You've fallen in love with him."

Su Li froze when she heard those words, and her gaze got out of focus momentarily.

Seeing Su Li's reaction, Shen Qingyan brushed the matter off with a wave of her hand and said, "Forget it, I'll stop talking. Talking too much is only going to make me seem like a gossiper. I'm going to shower. I need to check my phone later to see if there are any documents the company needs me to sign."

After speaking, she headed up to the shower.



Xiao Luo placed a hot towel on Gu Qianxue's forehead. She had taken the flu medicine, and as she was trained in the martial arts, her body recovered after half an hour or so, and she awoke.

"Xiao Luo," she called out.

"You're awake."


"Don't stand in the rain like that next time. You're a lady, and your body isn't made of steel," Xiao Luo chided her. His tone was not unlike that of a family elder.

"But, Mount Tianshan's much colder than this place, and I've never once fallen sick from the rain there," Gu Qianxue replied.

Xiao Luo said, "Then it seems that your body has grown weak from being in a bustling city for too long."

Gu Qianxue thought about it rather seriously for a beat, and replied, "Hmm, I guess that must be it."

"Drink up," Xiao Luo said, handing a cup of hot tea over to her.

Gu Qianxue reached out for the cup and took a sip, and then looked out the window. "It's raining really heavily," she exclaimed.

"It is, and it doesn't seem like the rain will stop any time soon. It's a good thing I returned tonight. Otherwise..."

Xiao Luo did not continue speaking. Had the foolish little girl actually stayed out there in the rain for an entire night, there was no way Gu Zhanguo would forgive him. Even that despicable Gu Qianlin would probably make her way over to Xiahai all the way from Jiangcheng just to give him grief.

"Xiao Luo, I'm hungry!" Gu Qianxue cried, lifting her head, staring up at him.

An image suddenly formed in his head. It was the memory of the little girl who had lost her way and when he found her sitting alone in front of a large building. At that time, she had said something similar to him.

"Hold on, let me make you something."

Xiao Luo stood up and decided to head over to Su Li's apartment. He had no kitchen utensils here and no food, so there was no way he could cook in his own apartment.

But at this moment, Gu Qianxue tugged at her clothes.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Luo said as he turned around and smiled.

Gu Qianxue looked miserable. "Don't leave me alone," she said.

Gu Qianxue did not tell Xiao Luo how much she had endured when she went against Gu Qianlin's wishes and headed to Xiahai all by herself, much less the fact that she had run into a lot of trouble. She had gotten her phone and purse stolen, and by the time she reached Crescent Bay, she had been so hungry she was on the verge of collapse. She did not have a single cent on her, and she did not know what she would have done if Xiao Luo had not appeared. This was the main reason she wanted to wait by the main gate despite the rain—she couldn't afford to miss him if when he returned.

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