Chapter 316: Got drunk

Start from the beginning

"Okay. Let me tell you then—I'm already married. That's my answer, so are you satisfied?" Xiao Luo said. He then showed the ring on the third finger of his left hand to Chu Yue.

He was married?

Chu Yue, Xiang Gaoyang, Xiang Gaojian react to his revelation in shock—even Guan Tong was stunned since no one ever thought Xiao Luo was married.

"I don't believe it! You... you're just bluffing me, aren't you? Yes, you must be lying to me!" Chu Yue cried. Her eyes widened in disbelief.

"Why should I lie to you?"

Xiao Luo shook his head and said, "Sorry, but I'm not so silly as to do that."

He decisively cut off Chu Yue's affections. She deserved a man who would love and dote on her, and it wasn't going to be him.

"No way, how could you get married? Don't tell me that..."

"Yup, I just got married this year," Xiao Luo interjected.

Chu Yue's body was quaking as she fought back the tears. She crinkled her nose as the tears she struggled to hold back flowed from her eyes. She hadn't expected that it would turn out like this. To think that he was now married, how could this pretentious d*ck get married, how could he get married?

At that moment, all the joy of finally meeting Xiao Luo again was gone. How she imagined it would turn out, and suddenly, all her expectations burst like bubbles... Her heart was hollow with nothing left inside. She was left with an emptiness that felt like she had just lost a very precious thing.

"Waiter, give me a drink! I need a drink... give me a drink now!" Chu Yue screamed at the young bartender in frustration.

"What kind of wine do you want, Miss?" the bartender asked.

Chu Yue slurred, "Give me the strongest one... I'm gonna get drunk. Hurry up!"

The trip to Xiahai City did not yield any silver linings but instead, only hurt her deeply. Chu Yue's head was spinning in a daze.

The bartender didn't dare to go against her wishes. Still, when he saw Xiao Luo and Xiang Gaoyang's glaring eyes, he immediately took a bottle of red wine with low alcoholic content.

Chu Yue downed glass after glass of the wine in deep sorrow. Actually, she wasn't a good drinker and even hated the bitter taste of alcohol, but right now, she just wanted to get drunk, with a hope that what she heard was only a dream.

"Miss, you can't drink anymore." Xiang Gaoyang felt compelled to speak out.

"Leave me alone! Let me drink, or I'll tell Father to fire you!" Chu Yue screamed as she pushed Xiang Gaoyang away.

Xiang Gaoyang could only turn to Xiao Luo for help. "Mr. Xiao, please do me a favor," he pleaded.

His tone was slightly more urgent. After all, it was because of Xiao Luo that Miss Chu had behaved this way, so whether he liked it or not, Xiao Luo had to share some responsibility.

Looking at Chu Yue, already in a state of drunken stupor, Xiao Luo took her glass away and said, "There's no need to humiliate yourself."

"That's my prerogative! Let me alone!"

Chu Yue screamed at him with tears flowing down her face, and Xiao Luo could detect the strong smell of alcohol from her breath. Suddenly, Chu Yue grabbed the bottle of wine and started taking swigs from it.

Well, just let her get it out of her system, and time will heal, he thought. It was the immediate pain that really hurt, and she'd get over it.

Xiao Luo sighed in his heart and gave up trying to stop her anymore.

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