"Ah, Blood traitor, Weasley!" The Kreacher shouted.

"Shut it, you scrawny pink prune!" Y/n hissed.

"Muggle Spade! Your mother must die and your father hanged for his disloyalties and marriage to a filthy muggle!"

"Why you!" She shouted, picking up the long kitchen knife.

"Y/n, no!" Hermione yelled, pulling her back.

"Shut it, and answer Hermione." Harry demanded, stepping in front of the three and Kreacher, dangling the locket.

"Yes." Kreacher hissed,

"It was here... in this house. A most evil object."

"How'd you mean?" Harry asked, as the elf stepped further back.

"Before Master Regulus died, he ordered Kreacher to destroy it, but no matter how hard Kreacher tried, he could not do it." The elf sighed and shuddered at the memory.

"Well, where's it now? Did someone take it?" Harry questioned.

"He came in the night. He took many things, including the locket."

"Who did? Who was it Kreacher?" Harry demanded.

"Mundungus. Mundungus Feltcher."

"Find him." Harry gritted his teeth, and Kreacher disappeared with a snap of his fingers.

"Nick said he was snake." Y/n mumbled.


The Hogwarts express was stopped, and several Death Eaters got on board, searching the Gryffindor compartments.

"My father will hear about this." Cormac spoke, standing up.

"Shut it, McLaggen. Does suit you." Nick shouted, as he sat with Neville, Ginny and Luna.

"Hey, losers. He isn't here. And neither is she." Neville spat, standing up.

The Death Eaters looked around, spotting Nick Spade.

"You're coming with us." They demanded.

"How about, no."

One of the Death Eaters pointed their wand at Luna.

"How about I kill her."

Nick sighed, before surrendering himself to the Death Eaters.

"My sister isn't naïve enough to come find me."


It had been a while, and the Hogwarts express had apparently departed, which meant it was September 1st, also meaning you'd officially turned 17, and could apperate. Also meant Hermione would be 18 in a bit.

Y/n and Harry sat on on the sofas as Hermione and Ron played something on the piano.

"Be a bit gentle." Hermione laughed, as Ron slammed the keys.

Meanwhile, Harry intensely stared at the snitch, as Hermione came over.

"They have flesh memories." Hermione informed.

"When Scrimgeour first gave it to you, I thought it might open at your touch... that Dumbledore had hidden something inside it." Hermione spoke, while Harry remained nonchalant.

There was some noise from the other room, which made Ron stare at the three on the sofa, before they all got up and ran to the other room.

"GET OFF ME!" Fletcher's muffled voice was heard as Kreacher was on this of him, meanwhile Dobby hung on from Fletcher's leg.

"Harry Potter... Y/n Spade! So long it's been!" Dobby cried, happily.

"GET OFF ME!" Fletcher continued, as he wobbled down the stairs, but eventually tipped over, and hid the ground with a slam.

"As requested, Kreacher has returned the thief." The old elf mumbled, as Fletcher hit his head on a pot and groaned in pain.

"EXPELLIARMUS!" Y/n shouted, and Fletcher's wand flew out of his hand, and Y/n caught it.

"What you playing at? Setting a pair of bleeding house eleven onto me?" Fletcher asked, cautiously walking around the table.

"Dobby was only trying to help. Dobby saw Kreacher in Diagonal Alley, which Dobby thought was curious, and then Dobby heard Kreacher mention Harry Potter's name. And then, Dobby saw Kreacher talking with the thief, Mundungus—" Dobby explained, whole climbing and walking on the long table, Kreacher behind him.

"I'm not a thief!" Fletcher protested.

"Bullshit!" Y/n hissed.

"I'm a purveyor of rare and wondrous objects." Fletcher insisted, as Hermione inched closer to him.

"You're a thief, Dung. Everyone knows it!" Ron spoke, as he entered the room.

"Master Weasley... so good to see you again!" Dobby smiled, and the two fist bumped.

"Traitor! You got Mad-Eye killed!" Y/n shouted, as Ron and Harry restrained her back.

"Listen, I panicked that night, all right? Can I help it if Mad-Eye fell off his broom?" He spoke, sitting on the chair in the corner of the room.

"Tell the truth." Hermione demanded.

"When you turned this place over, don't deny it, you found a locket, am I right?" Harry spoke up.

"Why? Was it valuable?" He asked, leaning closer to the quad.

"No you twat! If we all die and can't stop Voldemort, I'll pin it on you and your bloody 'was it valuable'! Trust me! I will haunt you from the grave till you hand yourself!"

"Y/n calm down." Ron spoke up.

"Have you still got it?" Hermione asked.

"No, he's worried he didn't get enough money for it." Ron spat.

"Bleeding give it away, didn't I? There I was... flogging le wares in Diagon Alley when some Ministry hag comes up and asks to see me license. Says she'd lock me up. And would've done, too, if she hasn't taken a fancy to that locket."

"Who was she, the witch? Do you know?" Harry asked.

"No, I." The newspaper then caught his attention, and he got up and picket it off the floor, showing it to the quad.

"Well, she's there. Look. Bleeding now and all."

The quad leaned over, looking at the propet, only to be disgusted by the photo.

"Not this bitch again."

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