Year 7 Chapter 1

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Y/n sighed as she packed all her essentials in a small bag. A few changes on clothes, toothbrush, medication, hair ties, sanitary pads, etc.

"Honey, do you have to go?" Lyra asked, as the clicking of her heels were heard entering Y/n's room.

"Yes. I have to do this. I'm the... I'm the Scarlet witch. I was chosen. They can't do it without me." She gulped, as her mother engulfed her in a tight embrace.

"I don't know when and if I'll ever see you again, Darling. Please. You aren't 17 yet, neither are you completely well." She sniffed, tears running down her face.

Baby Harry waddled into the room, he was around 2 years old now. The baby himself could sense something was wrong, as he walked to his sister, clapping his hands so she'd pick him up, which she did so.

"Bye Bye, Harry. I'll see you as soon as I can." She smiled sadly, kissing the baby on this cheek. Lyra took Harry from her, as she picked up her bag.

"You and Harry will be in hiding, I suppose?" She asked, as her mother continued to cry.

"Yes. Amelia's whereabouts are unknown, and she's been disowned by our family. Nick will be returning to Hogwarts, to see what he can do from there, and your father will be with the Order." Lyra spoke, touching her daughter's cheek.

"I admire your strength in these situations." Her mother smiled, sadly. Y/n still hadn't cried, she remained stoned.

"I love you, so much, Y/n."

"I love you too mum." She smiled, looking at her mother and baby brother one final time before leaving downstairs, as her Father and Brother awaited her to go rescue Harry.


"Harry!" Y/n smiled widely, as Harry opened the front door. He returned the smile, clutching onto his best friend.

"Oh move up, it's my turn!" Ron grumbled, tackling Harry too.

"Hello, Hermione." Harry smiled, pulling away from Ron and hugging the muggle born girl.

"Hello, Harry. You're looking fit." Hagrid smiled.

Moody then limped his way up the front door, with his cane stick thing.

"Yeah, he's absolutely gorgeous. What say we get undercover before someone murders him." Moody snarked, sarcastically as he let himself in.

"Evening." Harry joked, as everyone entered the living room. Moody threw a sack on the ground.

"Kingsley, I thought you were looking after the prime minister." Harry spoke.

"You are more important." Kingsley responded.

"Hello, Harry. Bill Weasley." Bill introduced himself as he came through the door with Fleur.

"Fleur!" Y/n smiled, huffing the blonde girl.

"Y/n!" She grinned.

"How's your ferret friend... Draco?" She asked, as everyone behind her started shaking their heads vigorously.

"My ferret's called Spark, and he's alright. What's with everyone talking about this Draco?" She mumbled the last part, rubbing her head and walking to her brother.

"My husband, the joker." Tonk's voice was heard.

"Y/n!" She smiled, hugging the shorter girl.

"Y/n, everyone! Wait till you hear the news—" She was cut off as Moody squeezed Gus way through.

"I can feel it." Y/n smiled, looking at Tonk's stomach.

"Oh, all right! Alright! We'll have time for a cozy catch up later. We've got to get the hell out of here... and soon! Potter and Spades, you're underaged, which means you've still got the trace on you." Moody spoke, standing in front of the room.

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