Year 6 Chapter 16

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Harry and you peeked around a corner, staring into Slughorn's class as he taught the first years. You could only imagine what it was like for them. Their first year in Hogwarts being so dark and dull, all about Voldemort. Slughorn dismissed his first years, and they scurried out of the room, you and Harry entering on cue.

"Aha. If it's isn't the Prince and Princess of potions themselves." Slughorn chucked.

"Sibling royalty." Y/n pointed out, making Slughorn laugh more.

"Of course. Mr. Potter only has eyes for Mr. Malfoy, it seems."

"I hate you." Harry whispered.

"Anyway. Enough about that. What do I owe this pleasure?" Slughorn changed the subject, looking around his cabinets.

"Sir, I wondered if I might ask you something." Harry started.

"I'm just tagging along." Y/n clarified.

"Ask away, dear boy, ask away."

"The other day we were in the library-"

"The fuck, did you have to make it a 'we' thing." Y/n whispered angrily.

"Yes. I had to make it a fucking we thing. Cause you started something about me and Malfoy!" He whispered back. Slughorn looked at the two, confused.

"Sorry, sir. Ahem. The other day we were in the library, in the restricted section and we came across something rather odd about a very rare piece of magic." Harry continued, clearing his throat.

"You're talking too fast." And moved her mouth up and down really quickly to mock him.

"Shut up." He placed his palm on her face, stopping her from talking.

"Quit your bickering. And yes, what was this rare piece of magic."

"Well, I don't know. I-I can't remember the name exactly. It just go me wondering, are there some kinds of magic you're not allowed to teach us?" Harry continued.

"Bitch, Voldemort was less suspicious than you are now." Luckily, Slughorn didn't hear that.

"I'm a Potions Master, Harry. I think your questions better be posed to Professor Snape." Slughorn countered, leaving the classroom.

"He hates us. The three of us don't exactly see eye to eye." Y/n spoke.

"Sir. We don't see eye to eye, sir." Slughorn corrected.

"There's no need to call me 'sir' Professor." She grinned like a devil, and it seemed to piss off Slughorn.

"What Y/n's trying to say is. He might misunderstand." Harry intervened, before the situation got ugly.

"Yes. There can be no light without dark. And so it is with magic. Myself, I always strive to live within the light. I suggest you two do the same." He spoke. Turning around to leave.

"Is that what you told Tom Riddle, sir, when he came asking questions?" Y/n called after him, making Harry panic.

"What the fuck. Abort abort."

"We're too deep in shit to abort. I took the shot."

Slughorn turned around, looking absolutely mortified. He stared at the two wide eyed, and slightly angry. Mostly shocked that they knew.

"Dumbledore put you two up to this, didn't he? Didn't he?!" He screamed the last phrase. Oh shit you two fucked up.

"Dumbledore's gonna be pissed." Y/n mumbled. Slughorn stormed out, but you jumped to the door frame, blocking his way.

"Easy way. Tell us now. Hard way. We'll fish it out."

"We ought to expel you!" Slughorn fumed, pushing past you with his belly first, making you stumble to the side.

"Can't do! Dumbledore has a mission for me!" She called after him. She turned to the door to see a frustrated and pissed of Harry.

"Beer belly's stronger than it looks. What's did you want me to do?" She asked. Potting backward to the directions Slughorn went.


You and Harry Reuther to her dorm, to see Ron look like he's a love sick puppy. That's odd, he hates Lavender now. So why's he acting like this?

"It's beautiful, isn't it? The moon." Ron breathed.



"Had ourselves a little late-night snack, did we?" Harry asked, looking at the box of chocolates. However, Y/n was more infested in the empty vial.

"Question. Why're you in mine and Hermione's dorm?" Y/n asked.

"Hermione's in the library, so I came looking for you, seeing if Harry would be there too. And I found the box on your bed, and I wanted to try one." Ron spoke.

"Or 20." Harry snarled.

"It's okay. I don't like chocolates anyway, I prefer sweets. But that concerns me is this vial." Y/n mumbled.

"I can't stop thinking about him, Harry, Y/n!" He gasped, carrying and hugging the box.

"Honestly, I recommend she was annoying you. Wait- him?" Harry asked, confused.

"Some explaining needs to be done." Y/n spoke as her and Harry sat on her bed.

"Hey, wanna bunk here tonight? We got 2 spare beds. Sleepover."

"Cool." Harry responded, nodding.

"He could never annoy me!" Rom spoke, coming up to the two.

"We're back at this?" Harry grumbled.

"I think I love him!"

"I did not think you swung that way." Y/n added.

"Well, brilliant." Harry spoke, slightly uncomfortable that Ron was practically trying to snuggle him.

"Do you think he knows I exist?" Ron continued.

"Probably? I don't know? You two must've snogged, right?" Harry asked.

"I'm not liking this. This vial is mine. It's the amortentia that was stolen from me." Y/n spoke.

"Who're you talking about?!" Ron asked, getting defensive.

"Who are you talking about?" Harry countered.

"I think I know who everyone's talking about."

"Matthew, of course. Matthew Hargreeves." Ron spoke.

"Oh fuck no."

"Okay, very funny." Harry laughed, picking up something from the floor but Ron chucked something at him.

"Ow! What's that for?"

"It's not a joke! I'm in love with him!" Ron shouted.

"Fine fine. You're in love with him, but have you actually met him?" Harry asked.

"No. Can you introduce me, Y/n?! The box was addressed to you!" Ron spoke. Then he started to gaze off dreamily. Taking a seat and admiring the moon. You and Harry opened the card to see it was Matthew winking.

"Bloody got stole my amortentia to make me go crazy over him." Y/n huffed. Then the two walked up to Ron, picking him off the floor.

"Come on, Ron." Harry grunted.

"I'm going to introduce you to Matthew." Y/n let out a fake smile. He instantly got up and followed the two out of the dorm room.

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