Year 7 Chapter 4

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"Kill us, if we turned around, wouldn't ya?" Ron snarled.

"If we kill them, they'll know we were here." Harry interrupted.

"Suppose he did Mad-Eye! How would you feel then?" Ron hissed in protest.

"We shouldn't kill them. They deserve worse, they deserve life sentence to Azkaban where they'll rot for the rest of their god damn lives."

"Y/n's right. But we have to first wipe their memories." Harry commanded.

"You're the boos." Ron agreed, walking back.

"Hermione. You're the best at spells." He spoke, slightly touching her cheek as Harry and Y/n stood awkwardly.

Hermione walked up to them, pointing her wand out, hesitating slightly.

"Obliviate." She spoke.

"Ow!" Y/n hissed, clutching her head. The word rang in her ears, several times, but it wasn't Hermione's voice, it was a boy's voice for sure, and she seemed to have a fair idea who's.

"How'd they know we were there, anyway?" Harry asked, as they continued to walk the streets of London.

"Maybe you still have the trace on you?" Hermione suggested.

"Can't be. Trace breaks at 17. It's Wizarding law." Ron spoke.

"Y/n. You're still 16." Hermione added.

"My trace is removed. Kingsley and Dad pulled strings to get it off, in case I went on this hunt before my birthday." Y/n replied. Hermione then gasped and stopped.

"What?" Ron asked, perplexed.

"We didn't celebrate your birthday, Harry." Hermione spoke.

"Ginny, Y/n and I, we prepared a cake. We were going to bring it out at the end of the wedding!" Hermione sighed.

"Look, Hermione, honestly, I appreciate the thought, but, really, given the fact that we were almost killed by a couple of Death Eaters a few minutes ago..." Harry dismissed the girl, making her shake her head.

"Right." She muttered.

"We need to get of the streets, get somewhere safe." Ron instructed, and the others nodded, knowing exactly where they had to go.

"Harry. Happy Birthday." Y/n spoke, handing him a tiny box.

"Y/n... you didn't have to. We're in the middle of a war, and I swear you're banned everywhere." Harry spoke.

"Just open it."

Harry opened the box to reveal a small, red beaded bracelet, and it had a singular, yellow lightning bolt charm on it, and in the charm, his name was on it.

"Sick! You got yours too!" Ron smiled, showing his, except his was green.

"Now we've got the whole group a matching set." Hermione smiled, showing hers, it was purple. They all were matching, except the colors. Y/n had one too, and it was (F/c).

"Thank you, Y/n."

The four stood in front of HQ for the Order, as the building moved. They entered the dark hallway, cautiously. As sand started to swirl and turned into the figure of Dumbledore, reaching his hand out to grab the quad, making Hermione scream. However, the sandy ghost faded away before it could reach them.

"What was that all about?" Ron asked, wide eyes and shocked.

"Probably Mad-Eye's idea, in case Snape decided to come snooping." Hermione answered.

"Mad-Eye did ask me what was scarier, Dumbledore or James Potter."

There was then a crashing sound in the distance, making Hermione step forward, slowly.

"Homenum revelio." She spoke, and it was silence.

"We're alone." She spoke.


Hermione and Y/n slept on the sofas while Harry and Ron took the floor. It was late at night, and Ron was snoring away whole Hermione shuffled around restlessly. Y/n sat up, looking at the folded paper her brother gave her.

"Are you going to open it?" Harry asked, curiously.

"It must've been important if he gave it to me last minute like that, I don't know if I'm ready to open it." She replied, staring down at it.

"Y/n, you never know, it could be useful to you." Harry assured, making her want to open it even more.

"Fine." She huffed, unfolding the paper, to reveal a photo... a moving photo to be exact. It was of her, the night of the Yule Ball, and she was laughing, and slow dancing with someone. That someone had bleached blonde hair, like the boy she'd been vividly seeing during her headaches. And he looked happy too.

"To Y/n Spade, love, ferret."

Harry's eyes widen, taking the paper from her.

"Y/n! You weren't meant to open that!"

"You urged me to!"

"'No! Absolutely not! I can not believe, Nick."

"Why? For telling me the truth? That's him isn't it? That's Draco!" She shouted, waking Hermione and Ron up.

"Oh shit." Ron mumbled.


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