"Well, if you sneeze, the ministry will know who wipes your nose. Y/n and Nick, you're father's managed to pull strings so your traces will be reworked early, on the 31st of July, but you two still have it on you. The point is, we have to use those means of transport the trace can't detect. Brooms, Thesterals, and the like. We go in pairs. That way, if anyone's out there waiting for us, and I reckon there will be, they won't know which Harry Potter is the real one."

"The real one?" Harry asked confused, as Y/n slowly started to creep behind him.

"I believe you're familiar with this particular brew." Moody smirked, showing off a bottle of poly juice potion.

"No. Absolutely not." Harry said sternly.

"I told you he'd take it well." Hermione added,

"Too bad we don't care." Y/n spoke, ripping off a strand of his hair.

"Blimey, Y/n! And do you think I'm going to let everyone risk their loved for me?" Harry raised his voice.

"Never done that before, have we?" Ron muttered sarcastically.

"Yes. 11 year old Ron totally didn't get wacked in head by a chew piece for you." Nick spoke, jokingly.

"No! No! This is different!" Harry shouted, pointing at the bottle.

"As if, 15 year old me nearly died saving your ass from Bellatrix Lestrange and Voldemort!" Y/n countered.

"That's different too! You're different! You can't become me!" Harry rambled.

"Well, none of us really fancy it, mate." Fred spoke up.

"Yeah, imagine something went wrong and we ended up a scrawny, specks git forever." George finished.

"Y/n, don't you dare give that to him." Harry said in a warning tone.

"Everyone here is of age, Potter. They've all agreed to take the risk." Moody added.

"No! Not Y/n and Nick!"

"I won't be taking it, and Nick has parental consent." Y/n countered, instantly, making Harry sigh in defeat.

"Ahem." A throat cleared from the back of the room.

"Technically, I've been coerced. Mundungus Fletcher, Mr. Potter. Always been a huge admirer." He spoke.

"I don't trust him." Nick mumbled, to which his twin sister agreed.

"Nip it, Mundungus!" Moody snapped.

"Alright, Spade. As we discussed." Moody spoke, and Y/n gave him the hair, and he put it in. Moody shook the bottle around, then walked around the room.

"For those of you who haven't taken polyjuice potion before, fair warning— it tastes like goblin piss."

"Have a lot of experiences with that, do you, Mad-Eye?" Fred asked, jokingly. Only for Mad eye to glare.

"Just trying to diffuse the tension." He finished, drinking a sip, then George drank it, and they shrunk. One by one Mundungus, Fleur, Ron, Hermione and Nick also took a sip, their faces disfiguring and groaning in disgust. Harry and Y/n stood front and center as they were surrounded by 7 other Potters.

"Wow! We're identical!" Fred and George remarked, sarcastically.

"Not yet, you're not." Moody spoke, and dumped the sack of clothes on the floor.

"You haven't got anything a bit more sporting, have you?" George asked.

"Yeah, I don't really fancy this color." Fred added.

"Well, fancy this. You're not you. So shut it and strip." Moody snarled, making Y/n laugh. He looked at the girl and chuckled.

"Alright, alright." Mundungus panicked.

"Feeling a bit shy are we?" Y/n called to him, and he made a face.

"I'm not one for sentiments, but you're my favorite." Moody spoke.

"Thanks. You're my favorite too. Even after fourth year."

"Bill, look away. I'm hideous!" Fleur spoke, as her lacy bra was shown.

"The fact that's she'd wear that bra to a physical fight thing." Nick laughed, fully dressed as Harry and standing beside his sister.

"Potter was just dissed." Y/n laughed.

"Harry? Your eyesight really is awful." Hermione spoke, putting on his glasses.

"Can't be worse than mine, god this is why I wear contacts." Y/n mumbled, looking into her bag to see 10 packs of contacts lenses, each lasting a month."

"That's half your essentials." Nick joked.

"Right then. We'll be paring off. Potter?" Moody spoke, turning to Nick.

"No I'm Nick." He replied, making Moody sigh in frustration.

"Anyway, each Potter will have a protector. Mundungus, stick right to me. I want to keep an eye on you. I'll also be taking Spade, as she's the strongest out of you nitbags. Mundungus isn't much help." Moody spoke, making everyone look at him, clearly offended.

"You said I was getting Spade?" Marcus asked.

"You are. This one." Moody said, grabbing Nick by his T-shirt and pushing him to Marcus.

"Gee, don't look so disappointed Dad, I'm happy being mum's favorite." Nick snarked.

"Shut up, I love you as much as I love your sister."

"Shut up! Anyway, as for Harry—" Moody started.

"Yes?" All the Harrys replied at once.

"The real Harry, where the devil are you anyway, one over here." Moody instructed, still standing in the front beside Y/n.

"Here!" Harry spoke, from behind the room.

"You'll ride with Hagrid." Moody instructed.

"All those years of quidditch and the broom and the Triwizard tournament went to shit. What a build up." Y/n joked, making her best friend glare at her.

"I brought you here sixteen years ago, when you were no bigger than a bowtruckle. Seems only right that I should be the one to take you away now."

"Yes it's all very touching. Let's go!" Moody shouted, fed up and frustrated.

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