Since when did "I wanna hear your voice" not become a good excuse?

Start from the beginning

"We're dating!" I blurted out. I wanted to feel in control and this was the only way I knew how, everyone was going to know sooner or later and I wanted someone to be told under my circumstances. I would have preferred it only be between Butters, Kenny, and Cartman but I couldn't help Red was there, which still didn't make any sense to me.

"What?" Cartman coughed out holding back a giggle.

"Kyle you really want to do this now?" Stan whispered to me.

"Yes, okay I just-" I took a deep breath feeling a heaving start in my chest, "I want to be the ones they hear it from and I wanted to say it, you know?" I said at a normal volume instead of whispering. Stan just nodded in understanding.

"I'm gay and Stan was fighting with his dad because he was defending me and our relationship, he told Randy about us and just," I paused pinching the bridge of my nose trying to calm myself down.

"Well congrats guys! I'm happy for you," Butters beamed making me relax.

"Khal, please we already knew you guys were totally gay for each other, isn't that right Kinny?" Cartman laughed. Kenny smiled nodding.

"Yeah, I just feel stupid now. When Stanny boy told me he liked some boy I should have figured he was talking about you, you guys are terrible at hiding your feelings from each other," Kenny attributed to the conversation. I gave a pleading look to Stan who was sporting his own shocked expression.

"Now you guys owe me some money," Butters stated proudly.

"Butters?" I squeaked out.

"I didn't tell nobody Kyle I swear, scouts honor, but come on fellas it was only a matter of time," he responded.

"Yeah, so sweet innocent, Leopold here bet us both $20 dollars you'd get together before high school ended," Kenny snickered.

"Dude!" Stan said in surprise.

"What the fuck guys? When?- How long?" I stammered out.

"Freshman year, there's actually a whole betting pool," Cartman said.

"I said it was going to be after graduation when you idiots realized it, now I'm out 20 bucks," Kenny said rolling his eyes.

"You, me, Toilken, and Tweek are all out 20 bucks McCormick you're not special," Cartman retorted.

"Kyle, I could just tell Stan was as head over heels as you said you were for him," Butters smiled at me.

"Wait did you tell Butters?" Stan asked gasping in a fake shock.

"You told Kenny jackass," I laughed. There was a sort of awkward tension in the room and Stan was trying to light the mood which sort of worked.

"But I didn't tell him who it was," he grinned at me, our faces pulling towards each other.

"Ew gross are you guys going to get all gay with each other in my fucking living room?" Cartman yelled out.

"No fatass!" I snapped back.

"It's been fun guys but I think my cue to leave was a while ago," Red huffed pushing herself off the couch and heading to grab her shoes. When she finally walked out the door I looked at the guys, everyone was silent, like we were all holding our breath until she left. Everyone let out a collective sigh of relief when the door closed.

"Okay now spill, why the hell was Red here? She doesn't even like Cartman and none of us are friends with her? Right?" I said.

"Oh, you aren't the only one Cupid got to," Cartman teased giving a smirk at Butters who was red in the face now.

"Butters?!" Stan and I said together in shock.

"I just- I think she's really nice..."

"Yeah Butters, she's just a peach," Kenny said snippily.

"Kenneth what in the world is your problem with her!" Butters snapped back angrily. "She is perfectly nice and if you got to know each other you'd know that!"

"Sorry, I'm just tired and that was hella awkward little B, why'd you have to bring her?" Kenny asked his demeanor immediately changing softer when he spoke to Butters,

"I just thought it'd be nice for her to get to know my friends," Butters defended.

"Butters- you idiot she doesn't like us," Cartman said glaring, "And trust me the way that chick is she's never going to change her mind."

"No Cartman she just hates you," Kenny pointed out with a laugh. "Now are you two idiots just going to stand awkwardly or join us?" Kenny asked patting the couch next to him. Stan and I awkwardly laughed before taking a seat.

"Butters since when have you guys been friends even?" I asked now confused never hearing anything about it.

"Oh- well, we were both volunteering at the South Park Community summer camp and she was really the only person I knew there so we kind of... you know what that's not important!" Butters said shaking his head, "What is actually is important is you and Stan!" he said all giddy. I got red in the face a little.

"Yeah we always knew you were gay wads but when did you become mega gay wads?" Eric chirped up.

"Eric!" Butters hissed and he only shrugged rolling his eyes.

"I don't know about Ky, but my lips are sealed until you spill Butters," Stan said with a smirk I smiled in agreement.

"Yeah I can't say I'm not curious either," Cartman enquired turning away from the TV to face the group.

"Okay fellas," Butter folded under the peer precious. "Every year I volunteer for the community summer camp and Red? Well her parents made her sigh. Usually, it's just me and a bunch of adults so I was real happy to see someone from school and well we got to talkin' and we actually have a lot in common fellas, I- and I kinda like her," his face was now the same shade as a stop light and he mumbled the last little bit of his confession but we were still able to hear him. We all started to make a collective 'oooo'ing sound.

"Okay, we all have a lot in common? What's so special about Red?" Kenny snapped.

"Jesus Christ don't get your panties in a twist Kinny, what are you on your period or something? I bet my mom has some tampons you can use," Cartman teased.

"Shut the fuck up Cartman!" we all collectively yelled.

"What gives Kenny? You've been in a sour mood all day!" Butters exclaimed.

"I just don't like her okay? She crashed our hang out, you didn't bother to ask anyone if she could come, she doesn't like us, dude!" Kenny sat up his voice starting to rise.

"Well maybe if she got to know you guys she'd come around," he smiled with opptomism.

"No! She thinks Cartman is a sexist pig, which he is, she thinks I'm a drug rat greasy low life, which I am, she thinks Kyle is a freak which sorry dude but you kind of are, and Stan is a head case which is fucking spot on!"

"Dude..." I said in response to being called a freak.

"Dude..." Stan mimicked.

"Kinny what the fuck?" Cartman added in.

"I bet she doesn't think that," Butters said quietly.

"Yeah, dude she does! You know how I know that? Because when I tried to hook up with her she said called me a low-life druggie and said she 'didn't want to get lice and bed bugs in the same night' which I have fucking neither of! I mean all the girls think Cartman's a big, because he is, and Craig's told me what she said about Stan and Kyle," he huffed out in one last angry burst.

"I- I think I need to go..." Butters said fiercely whipping at his eyes.

"Kenny what the fuck you asshole," I said staring daggers myself now at him before turning away to follow Butters.

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