Chapter 237: Landed

Start from the beginning

Xiao Luo held on firmly to the yoke making every effort to keep the massive aircraft in the middle of the runway. The panicked cries of passengers reverberated from the cabin aft and Xiao Luo could imagine their fears as they stared death in the face. All he could do now was to keep his gaze fixed on the runway.

It was barely a minute into the landing roll, but it already felt like a century to everyone in the plane.

Suddenly, the shaking and rumbling ceased and the roar of the engines quietened. The gigantic jumbo jet slowed to about 80 m.p.h. and gently rumbled forward until it finally came to a stop just before the end of the runway.

“We have landed, we’re safe and sound!”

The passengers were overcome with joy and disbelief, each one of them crying out in tears and offering prayers of thanks for their deliverance, for they had journeyed to hell and back. As they stared out the windows, they saw fire trucks and the airport rescue crews dashing over urgently.

“We’re back on the ground!”

“We…survived, we’re alive!”

“Great landing, this is just unbelievable…”

Despite many people throwing up violently, they could hardly conceal their emotions of joy.

The purser, the crew, and safety officers were dumbfounded. It felt like a bizarre dream—first, the captain was incapacitated by the co-pilot, who was determined to bring the aircraft down and everyone along with it, then he set the plane on a course to nowhere, only for an enigmatic young hero by the surname Xiao, to save the day. The entire experience was surreal, and they couldn’t believe they were still alive to tell the tale.

Xiao Luo felt a deep sense of relief, he was sweating profusely and leaned back in the pilot’s seat. Had it not been for the genius system, they would have become lost souls roaming the clouds for eternity. And had Zhang Dashan been there, he would not have heard the end of it—all the drama on his very first flight!

As he was composing himself, he caught a glimpse of Cui Jihou and felt a sudden urge to murder the man had there been no one else around. Cui Jihou had recovered and was conscious when he realized that the aircraft had already landed at Xiahai airport. What were the chances? His face was ashen, and he kept repeating to himself, “How could it be? How could it be…”

Precisely, how could it be? How could the aircraft possibly have landed safely on the ground?

The rescue crews had already positioned boarding steps at the open cabin doors, fire trucks surrounded the aircraft, and fire and medical teams were already making their way into the cabin to assist with the evacuation. The airport rescue teams were thoroughly trained in emergency drills and had already anticipated the worst when they observed the forced landing. Noting the Boeing 747’s approach speed and the orientation of its glide path, they knew that they would encounter many injured passengers. When the doors were opened, they were quickly on hand to provide immediate medical treatment to many passengers who suffered lacerations and broken bones to various parts of their bodies.

The purser and her crew organized the evacuation from the cabin and ensured orderly disembarkation. “Follow the instructions of the flight attendant in front of you. Let the injured passengers off the plane first.”

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