Josh kept repeating the last few words to himself over and over.


Soon enough, they were all piled into Colin's car and they were on their way to Pennsylvania to see Jenna. Josh was a nervous wreck, but oh so dang excited at the same time. He couldn't wait to see Jenna again and he couldn't wait to introduce his new friends to her as well. But Jonathon... Gosh, Jon was stressing Josh out right now. He was terrified of being confronted with Jon again.

"God I'm gonna throw up", Joe muttered. "What? Josh asked as he looked over his shoulder, his thoughts cut off because of what he said. "He gets kinda car sick", Kit said, a worried look on his face. "Wha- why didn't you say that sooner? C, pull over somewhere yeah?" Josh said and Colin nodded.

"I- I didn't wanna be a bother", Joe said. "You're not gonna be a bother by letting us know you get car sick", Josh said. "You're probably more a bother if you throw up in my car", Colin joked, and it made them laugh. "I'm sorry", Joe then said, face pale.

"Don't be, I'm gonna pull over", Colin said as they left the highway to stop at a gas station next to the road. Joe opened the door and Kit got out with him, sitting down on the grass to take some deep breaths and welcome the fresh oxygen. "You okay?" Josh asked as he gave him some water, and Joe drank from it. "Yeah, yeah I'm okay", he said. "You should sit in the front", Josh said. "I'll sit in the back. If Kit doesn't mind", Josh said with a soft smile. "No I don't, not at all", Kit gently laughed. "And I'd very much appreciate it if he could sit in the front and not throw all his guts out", he said.

"I'll- I'll sit in the front", Joe nodded. "Why didn't I just ask for that right away", he muttered as he moved back to rest his back and head on the grass as well, hoping the nausea would go away soon.

"How's it going?" Fred asked as he and Colin reached them, after parking the car in one of the parking spots a little further away. "He's okay, just waiting for his nausea to go down", Kit said. "That's good, that he's alright", he said. "Not to be weird, but I'm kind of craving some ice cream", Colin said. "Isn't that good for nausea also? Like, an ice pop?" He asked. "Oh, yeah that helps", Kit nodded.

"Fred, join my on a frozen goods quest please", Colin said, dramatically bowing as he held his hand out, making his friends laugh. "Why yes, kind sir, I will", Fred said as he grabbed his hand and they skipped away towards the gas station, making Josh giggle.

He didn't know how he got so lucky to have his friends. How he was so lucky to be Fred's roommate, how he met Colin during the intro week last year, and how Kit and Joe were such sweet, kind people to him.

He had true friends, who all matched perfectly, and he felt so dang lucky.

After several minutes, Colin and Fred returned with ice cream and pops for everyone. They all sat on the grass together until they finished their snacks and Joe was feeling better again. They climbed back in the car - this time with Joe next to Colin, and Josh between Fred and Kit - and they resumed their journey.

Josh was trying not to think of having to face Jonathon too much, and now he regretted not contacting him sooner to talk about everything, to clear the air before the trip. But it was too late now - too awkward to get in touch with him while they'd see each other in a few hours - so he tried to block it out and focus on his friends for now.

Oh how glad he was that they were all there with him.

"Yeah you're empty, you're hollow, the fakest one that I know. If you think that you're special, well there's your fucking problem!" They sang to the I Prevail song together; so far they'd been playing Tyler's music and I Prevail's music on repeat only. "When it all comes crashing down, there's no one left to save you now. You're so fake, fake, fake, fake, fake!"

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now