Too much guilt (1)

Start from the beginning

She visibly grimaced, then laughed and squeezed my hand as well. However, she dug her nails into the crevices of my knuckles. "Yeah, as if I'll ever belong to you, I don't even like you, you won't ever get anything from me." She then pecked my cheek and I let go of her hand.

"I'm paying for lunch, you owe me okay Kikyo?" I turned to her and smiled with great pain.

We ordered our food once we reached the top, once we finished with the orders she spoke. "I hate you Kiyotaka..." She giggled and then we both sat down at the table. For a person to try and keep up appearances she sure is good.

We spent the rest of lunch talking and eating, for the events that happened before this I feel like she is settling into her role too quickly. When we finished we stashed our trays away and walked back to class, we talked and when we got to class and back to our seats I knew there was gossip going on. That's gossip was silenced thought when classes begun and stayed that way.

The bell rang which signalled the end of class and finally school day ending, I quickly approached Kikyo. "Let's go Kikyo." I didn't care about the suspicious glances of her friends.

I wanted to isolate her, my mind is racing with thoughts so arduous and lascivious I can't wait to enact them. I know that people tend to shudder under pressure and with her... with her I expected her to kneel at my command and to heed my every word.

"Kiyotaka, alright, see ya guys." She may stand up now, she may say goodbye to her friends so amicably...

However, I know that in her mind if I looked into it that she was afraid. I know that when we are alone both our minds would reach conclusions. Both our bodies would meld together to form one singular outcome...

I took her hand and interlocked our fingers much to the surprise of her friends. Then without hesitation I kissed her on the cheek, my eyes slightly narrowed and with my dark brown pupils I couldn't help but remain possessive. The runts in this class may look enviously all they want and the girls may look with visible stupor.

"Kikyo, we are going to my place..." I whispered and quickly dragged her out of the class. She obviously tried to hide her discomfort, however women like her who hide so much are capable of hiding other things...

We walked silently, her smiling to hide her anxiety was constantly making my heart directed towards a desire to maker her mine. I know this isn't me speaking nor is it me following my own judgement. I wanted to go with the flow I purposely created... to make her my own slave that obeys my every command.

"Give me all of you Kikyo, I hope you understand what I mean." Creep, pervert and asshole. Those words would perfectly describe the kind of person to do this to another.

She just listened with a smile all the way to my dorm, in her mind she knew what I wanted and honestly if she wasn't the way she was... this would fail.

"I hope you rot in hell Kiyotaka... if you're going to do it ." That confirms it, she was so aware and intelligent when it comes to social cues. This was far from normal for any person but the way she kept her composure...

I opened the door of my dorm and dragged her inside, closing the door behind us. She stood in the middle of the hall. Still and unmoving. I wanted her to move but I decided to wait. Minutes went by where I simply stared at her back.

I grew restless and approached her from behind and hugged her. This definitely surprised her, I held onto her strongly and weirdly she backed into my embrace. Her hair smelled divine and her body was warm.

Then, her eyes met mine... she turned her face and with a long look I finally ascertained her mindset. She simply wanted this over and done with, she had given up despite me doing so little. Her words from the rooftop seem so wasted away now and with that my object of desires seemed to wane when she met my gaze... now I realised that this type of love was truly wrong...

However, I knew that I had gone too far. The good thing for her is... I needed to change my approach. I turned her around and hugged her, resting her head on my chest.

I breathed slowly, the air around us seemed so dry and the way she simply didn't resist... she still must think I was trying to break her. "Kikyo... no, Kushida. I'm sorry." I apologised, she must feel so puzzled and rightfully so.

"W-What? Kiyotaka?" Her mumble, she met my gaze but I turned away to keep up this strategy.

"I'm sorry, I went about this the wrong way. I am so sorry for doing this to you. I wanted you so much, I saw what happened on the rooftop as a chance. When what I should have done was try and help you, be there for you to vent to, to be a friend." I knew her confusion, that's why I pulled her in closer. "Kushida, to me you are everything I want from passion to kindness, from being a liar to being so fake that it impresses me, you and I are the same but you have a gift I don't have and that is the ability to convey kindness and to me... that made me fall so hopelessly in love." Whatever I said, whatever she could gather in her head... she must still be thinking about the dirt I have on her, however if this eases the burden on her shoulders and with the way I'm offering her help. I feel like she would change for me. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She released herself from my hold, she wasn't crying but she was visibly distressed. "I... so what am I to you? A toy? A joke? You claim that you love me and yeah, I may not be the best person in the world but to say that you like me for this?!" She pointed at herself with a judgemental look. "Kiyotaka, if you truly felt that way and if you knew the whole time, if you were able to counter whatever plan I had to hide my true self... why didn't you help me? Why scare me, why make me puke and cry all night! You could have told me and maybe I would have given you a damn chance! But now... dammit I can't do this, I can't!" She stomped past me, reaching for the door but I stopped her.

"Kushida, stop and look at me. I love you as you are and I know my words don't mean much after what I put you through but you deserve so much more than what you are putting yourself through." I grasped onto her shoulder and held a firm grip.

"Then... can I trust you?" She glanced at me. "Right her right now, I know that you want to do something and I'm not much of a sissy to go all shy about it. Do you want to kiss me or fuck me against the door, you boys are all the same... prove to me I can trust you...." Her voice was smooth like butter when her real personality came out.

"Kushida, I don't need to prove anything to you..." I gave her a hug and kissed her forehead. "I love you and that's that, you may think I am some monster but when it comes to you there is no length I wouldn't go to... to protect you." I changed my strategy to win her heart instead of chaining it. She just wants to feel something genuine and to be sincere.

"Then... what are we?" She muttered in my embrace.

I placed my palm on her cheek and redirected her gaze to meet mine. "I want to be yours and for you to be mine. I want to go out with you." If I have a relationship with her... maybe then she will learn to be sincere. I guess, in a way this isn't some slave and master relationship anymore.

"So lovers? Like in movies or anime?" She hugged me back and leaned her head back onto my chest. "From now on?"

"Yes, I want to be your boyfriend. But if you want to start off as friends..." She quickly looked up at me and shook her head. "Alright then, so from now on you're Kikyo to me." I pressed my forehead against hers.

"Alright... Kiyotaka." I guess I can learn a different trope, enemies to lovers. Although this definitely went too quick for that type of storyline...

This may end just as quickly sadly, so after Kikyo who then... as I began weighing my options I felt a severe tug on my nape.

She grasped onto my nape and pulled me down so her lips were by my ear. "If you dare flirt, look at or even speak to another girl I will cut off your testicles and feed you them."

"Roger that." I guess... I may have to find another option more discreetly...

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