Josh went inside, feeling as nervous as ever, and he got a coke from the person managing the drinks. He stood by the side for a while, and was about to call Colin to come pick him up, when he heard his name.


As he looked up, he frowned when he saw Dustin. "Wh- what are you doing here?" Josh asked confusedly. "I'm not missing a party, that's what I'm doing here!" He said. "Wh- but it's- isn't it just for first years?" He asked. "Oh yeah, but we snuck in. We always do", Dustin grinned. "Why are you standing by the side on your own?" He asked. Josh shrugged. "I- I don't know, I'm not super social so I don't really know anyone", Josh blushed. "Ah. Good thing I'm here then!" Dustin grinned as he wrapped his arm around Josh and he lead him into the crowd.

And several hours later, Josh felt unlike anything he'd ever felt, as he'd accepted multiple alcoholic drinks from Dustin and his friends who brought alcohol with them, Josh's head was pounding and his mind was cloudy and he texted Colin to say he was walking back with his roommate so he didn't have to pick him up. Colin asked if he was sure, Josh said yes, and Colin trusted him.

Except Josh wasn't walking back with his roommate; he hadn't even seen him. He just didn't want to disappoint Colin, and he didn't want his best friend to see him illegally drunk in the first week - and first party - in college.

But while Josh had texted Colin and he was able to do so because he thought of the possible consequences, after a few more drinks, that was gone. Josh felt everything and nothing at all, his mind was buzzing and not thinking clearly - hardly at all - and somehow, found himself in one of the hallways of the building making out with none other than Dustin.

When Josh walked back to his dorm on his own, trying to walk in a straight line and not attract any attention on him, he felt his face and neck burn, not able to shake the feeling of Dustin's lips all over those parts of his body off of him, just like his hands on Josh's arms , shoulders, neck and hips.

When he somehow managed to get to his dorm, and opened the door, he saw that Fred was asleep, which made him relieved. He pulled himself into the shower and sat on the floor, not able to keep his body upright as he did so. He was able to dry off, get dressed, and get in bed, where he fell asleep immediately.

That morning, his head felt like it was gonna explode, but Josh forced himself to not miss any classes. He took several pain killers and made sure to eat breakfast even though he was nauseous, and he got to class right on time.

His mind had been racing so much all day, trying to remember everything that happened at the party while avoiding Colin for a bit, and during music class he finally remembered what happened in the hallway. Gosh, Josh felt so much regret inside of him. How did he mess up that badly that quickly? His first week in college, at his first party, he got drunk trying to look cool with Dustin and his friends and he ended up making out with him in the hallway heatedly. He still felt the hands and lips on his skin and he hated it. He hoped he wouldn't bump into Dustin that day.

He left the music room with his backpack on his back and he walked to his locker. He wanted to switch around some books before heading to the next class, and the teacher had let them go early, so he had a few minutes to spare.

He opened his locker and his back, starting to take out some books, when he heard running footsteps, and - weirdly - his name.


Josh looked up at the mention of his name, seeing a boy coming to a stop in front of him. "Or... Joshua. Is it Josh or Joshua?" The black curly haired boy asked, his eyes on a piece of paper in his hands, cheeks blushing. "S-sorry, this is awkward. Uh, you- you left this", he said as he extended his arm to Josh.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now