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"What were you doing, though?" Ashley asked. "Nothing interesting", Josh said. "What do you mean? Where did you go, with who? I know it wasn't Jon. You were gone for hours", Ashley said. "Just- just an old friend, it's nothing", Josh said. "Are you doing drugs?" Ashley asked.

"What! No, no of course not Ash, Jesus Christ", Josh muttered. "I'm not doing drugs, what the hell", he told her. "I just- I don't wanna tell you. I can't tell you 'cause I promised them I wouldn't. But I swear it's nothing illegal, nothing dangerous, and nothing bad. I just... I made a promise", Josh said.

Ashley sighed softly. "...okay then. I trust you. But if I don't trust a certain situation..." she trailed. "You'll tell mom and dad, I know. I promise that won't be necessary, because it's really nothing big at all", Josh said. Ashley hummed. "I hope so", she said.

"Did you... tell Jon?" Josh then asked. "No, I just asked if you and he had plans. When he said no and asked if I wasn't home, I just said I was at the store and wanted to pick up dessert for us but I couldn't reach you, probably because you were studying", she said. Josh nodded. "Okay. Yeah that's- that's good", he nodded.

"You're also not cheating or something right?" She asked with a quirked eyebrows. "Jesus freaking Christ Ash, no I'm not", Josh said. "I made a promise not to tell anyone and that includes Jonathon", he added. "Mhm. I thought it was self explanatory that partners in relationships were allowed to know secrets even when no one else is?" She asked.

"Well that's not how it works for everyone", Josh told her, a bit stand-offish. "I promised them I would not tell anyone. That means I won't tell anyone at all", Josh said before he went upstairs.

"Sorry", Ashley said with a soft sigh. Josh halted halfway, then looked at her. "Just... leave me alone, okay? I can handle myself", he said. "Fine", Ashley said as she then went upstairs as well, and Josh went to his room.

He closed the door behind himself and walked to his desk, where he opened the drawer to find his... Diary? Was it a diary? He never wrote anything in it except when something regarding Tyler happened. Did that make it a diary of some sorts, of just a memory book? Either way, he wanted to write in it about Lucas, because he was part of Tyler's life.

He frowned as he couldn't find the book, rummaging through the drawer, and the next one, and the next one. He started panicking. Where was it? Did someone take it? Did someone read it? He never left it anywhere but in his desk drawer.

He thought of Ashley. Surely... Surely she wouldn't take it. Right? Josh left the room and was on his way to Ashley's room, when he spotted Abigail sitting on her bed, through the open door.

And then Josh saw it; his notebook was in front of her, and she was reading something in it.

Josh stormed into her bedroom. "Abi what the fuck!" he exclaimed angrily and Abigail startled. "W-what?" She asked. "Why the hell did you go into my room and take that!" He yelled as he snatched it away from her, then he kept it to his chest. "I was just reading your adventures!" She said.

"That's not for you to read!" Josh yelled. "Josh! Calm down! What's wrong?" Ashley asked as she appeared in the doorway and she walked inside.

"Don't tell me to calm down! She stole something from me and read things that are private!" Josh yelled. "Okay but you're scaring her!" Ashley said. Josh's jaw dropped. "That's what you have to say?! That I'm scaring her? You can't tell her not to do that? No, instead you're talking about how I'm scaring her?! What the hell Ash!" Josh said, offended.

"I don't even know what she did exactly! Just- stop yelling at her, who cares that she read something you wrote?" Ashley asked.

"Who cares? Who cares?! Well no one fucking does, apparently! No one cares about me! No one respects my fucking privacy, everyone has to get into my business and my shit all the fucking time, and everyone thinks they're entitled to my life and my secrets and my fucking stuff! Leave me the fuck alone for once and stay out of my god damn room!" he yelled, tears threatening to spill. He then stopped talking, closed his eyes and he took a deep, shaky breath in and out. He opened his eyes again, and he looked at his little sister.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin