Chapter 224: Parkinson's Disease

Start from the beginning

This was an absolute taboo in calligraphy!

According to the tenets of calligraphy, a situation like that should never happen and was simply unacceptable.

Everyone in the crowd looked at each other. “What’s wrong with the Wise One?”

“Parkinson disease. The wise one is suffering from a neurodegenerative disease that is very common among the elderly.” Xiao Luo figured it out at a glance.

Despite the belief that divine water protected one from all illnesses, it was really the placebo-effect that worked wonders for the believers. No one could ever be immune to all diseases. Hearing Xiao Luo’s words, Xiao Dizhang turned to him with a look of concern and asked, “Xiao Luo, are you sure that he is sick?”

“Come off it, Xiao Luo. The Wise One is as healthy as can be. Don’t jinx the old man!” Xiao Qiudong chided him, coming across in a smugly self-righteous way.

Xiao Luo ignored his remark and responded to Xiao Dizhang’s question. “Parkinson’s symptoms include resting tremors, slowness in his actions, increased muscle tone, and resistance to limb movement caused by involuntary muscle contractions. The Wise One is unable to move while his hands are shaking, which characterizes Parkinson’s disease.”

“How are you so sure about that? You’re not a doctor!” Xiao Qiudong shouted.

The others shared his doubts as they thought that only a doctor had the right to give that prognosis.

Then, Xiao Quanren put down the brush, smiled weakly, and said, “Xiao Luo’s right. I went for a medical checkup at the county hospital some time ago. The doctor said that I contracted a disease whose name is tough to remember. It has come back to my mind now that Xiao Luo had mentioned it. Pump-kin-son, it is.”

“It’s Parkinson, Wise One,” Xiao Luo corrected him with a smile.

Xiao Quanren smiled with squinted eyes and said, “Ah, yes, yes. Par-kin-son, it is. Sigh, that’s what you get when you grow old. My memory worsens as the days go by.”

After hearing Xiao Quanren’s affirmation, the crowd looked upon Xiao Luo with deep regard.

Xiao Dizhang asked further, “Xiao Luo, since you know what illness this is, you should know how to treat it, right?”

Xiao Luo shook his head, “This is a complication due to old age, and as far as I know, there’s no way of treating it. But, it won’t affect his lifespan; it’s just that when he is focused on doing something, some parts of his body will tremble uncontrollably, unable to stay still.”

Everyone let out a sigh of relief, all was good as long as it wasn’t life-threatening.

“Xiao Luo looks like your days in university were not in vain. You have knowledge in so many areas.”

“Yeah, I haven’t heard of this Parkinson’s Disease before. You taught me something new today.”

“Looks like we still need to get our child to further his studies. It will come in handy after all.”

Xiao Qiudong was incensed, and his awful expression said it all. He never made it to university and had resorted to comparing his career to that of Xiao Luo, intending to prove his theory that studying was overrated. As it turned out, he had just been proven wrong, and that had made him hate Xiao Luo even more.

“That’s for sure, Luo is the only person who had gone to university in our village. His qualification is the highest, so of course, he knows a lot more,” Xiao Ping gushed, praising Xiao Luo unreservedly.

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