Chapter Twenty-Seven: She Knows

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Rhea's POV:

I feel my heart drop to my stomach as a ringing sound plays in my ear. How the fuck? What the fuck?

"It is, isn't it?" She asks.

I don't say anything as I try to comprehend the situation at hand. I feel like I need to throw up, like I need air. The atmosphere is smothering me right now.

"Rhea, do you have any idea how dangerous that is? Have you even told Savannah? Does Ethan know?" She asks.

The room starts to spin as the questions come at me. I need to get up, I need air. I stand up, but my knees feel like jello.

Sienna quickly stands up and grabs me, "are you okay?"

"I need air." I breathlessly say.

She helps me walk over to the window and opens it so I can stick my head out. I try to control my breathing as well as maintain a singular thought. My mind feels like it's racing with a thousand things and scenarios going though it.

"Rhea, I'm not going to tell anyone." Sienna reassures as she rubs my back.

I don't say anything. Mainly, because I haven't caught my breath yet, but also because I don't believe her. She doesn't owe me anything and last I checked, I screwed her over. Why would she keep this secret for me?

I open the window more a the draft isn't enough. I need more air and I open the window wide enough to fit my body though.

"Rhea!" Sienna yells as I jump off the ledge of the window and onto the roof.

I sit down, with my back against the siding as I try to control my breathing. Sienna jumps down too and joins me. She doesn't say anything, but rather just sits there with me.

"Why? Why would you keep it a secret?" I ask.

She plays with a loose thread on her jeans as she ponders the thought.

"I don't know... maybe, because I think you're a good person, despite everything that went down with us." She starts.

"Maybe it's also because I know Cami is a decent person deep down... she's done a lot for me and my family. I feel like I maybe owe her one, for all the times I wasn't exactly appreciative." She says softly.

I look over to her and her eyes look into mine. They seem genuine, but I'm so unsure.

"How'd it happen?" She asks.

"Sienna, I'm not going to discuss this with you." I say coldly.

She scoffs, "you know what... then fuck you. I'll go tell Savannah, since you want to be a dick about it." She says as she starts to stand.

"Wait." I say as I grab her hand.

She instantly pulls her hand away and looks down at me intense eyes.

"I'm sorry." I apologize.

Her eyes soften as her back leans against the siding once again. She slowly brings herself back down, so she's sitting next to me and picks at her nails in thought.

"I'm sorry too. When I get defensive, I let my mouth kind of run things. I wasn't actually going to tell Savannah, but part of me just wanted you hurt for a second because it hurt that you didn't trust me." She explains.

"I know it's more than that and you're processing a lot right now, but in the moment... your feelings didn't matter to me, so I apologize for acting rash." She says.

"It's fine." I say.

We sit in silence in silence for awhile. My mind calms down and my breathing slows as I try to tactfully think this through.

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