Chapter Twenty-Two: Soft Loving In The Mornin'

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Rhea's POV: 🔞NSFW Warning🔞

I wake up to the warm heat from of sunlight hitting my skin. It's so bright, that I have to literally hold my hands over my eyes as I wake up.

I feel someone stir on top of me and look down to see Cami still laying on my chest. She hasn't moved at all since last night. Her head is still nuzzled into my chest as she holds on to my shirt for dear life.

"Stop moving." She mumbles with her eyes still closed.

I bring my hand up to her face as I gently caress her cheek. She's so beautiful in the early morning glow.

"Cami, it's morning." I say softly.

Shit. It's morning. Savannah gets done with work at 4 A.M. and it is way past that right now.

Cami must have thought the same thing as her eyes fly open and she shoves me off the bed.

"Oomph" I grunt as I hit the ground.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." Cami apologizes as she watches me hold my side in pain.

"It's- it's fine." I say as I try to get up and book it out of the bedroom.

I close Cami's door slowly as I make my way down the hall. Savannah's door is shut, so I decide to lightly knock on it, but she doesn't answer. I figure she may be passed out as I go to knock again, but still nothing. I open her door to see her not in her room and decide to check my phone for the first time today.

Satans Little Helper 👹: Met someone at the bar. Won't be home in the morning, so don't wait up on me 😘

I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding until now before feeling my stomach growl. I haven't ate anything other than Cami in the last 12 hours and after that work out, I needed some food.

I go down the stairs and examine the fridge for food. I see eggs, peppers, mushrooms, and spinach. Pretty much everything I need for an omelette. I start to pull out all the ingredients as I hear Cami make her way down the stairs.

"Where is she?" She asks as she enters the kitchen.

"Not home. She went home with someone, so I have no idea when she'll be home." I say as I pull out a pan.

She also exhales and holds her hand over her chest.

"That was so close, Rhea." She says as she makes her way over to where I'm at in the kitchen.

I don't say anything as I transport the veggies to the sink and start to rinse them. I'm unsure how to maneuver things with Cami this morning. I don't know where we stand with each other or how go to about the events that transpired last night, so I'm letting her lead.

I feel her hands snake their way around to the front of my body so that she's holding me from behind.

"You okay?" She whispers against my shoulder before gently kissing it.

"Yeah... yeah, I'm good." I say.

"You seem a bit off." She states.

I stop washing the veggies and turn and face her. She doesn't let go of me, but continues to hold me as she looks up at me with concerned eyes. I brush her blonde hair back, better allowing me to look at her before cupping her cheeks in my hands.

"Where's your cutting board?" I ask as I rub my thumb along her bottom lip.

She lightly punches my arm, "Rhea, I'm trying to have a conversation with you." She says with a slight laugh.

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