Chapter Fourteen: Honesty Is The Best Policy

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Rhea's POV:

"I couldn't focus on you because there's someone else." I admit.

"Hmm." Is all Sienna says as she crosses her arms and starts to pace.

I literally feel like I'm going to throw up. My stomach is in knots and my hands are trembling from the overwhelming anxiety and guilt I am feeling. The last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt Sienna, but it's not fair to continue this. I now fear for how she's going to handle this and even more fearful as to how Savannah will.

"Is it Alex?" She asks.

"What? God, no. She's just a co-worker. Why does everyone think we have a thing?" I ask.

"Are we going to forget how she acted on the stairs just now?" She asks.

"Okay, yeah that was a bit weird for her, but no. It's someone I've known longer." I say.

"Your ex?" She asks.

"No..." I say.

"Then who?" She asks angrily.

"It doesn't matter who it is because I can't have them." I say sadly.

I watch as she looks at me with understanding eyes. She makes her way over to me and sits down next to me. This is not what I expected from this conversation. I expected her to be mad. I expected her to yell at me, slap me, something but instead she comforts me?

"Can you tell me about her?" She asks.

I find a sense of comfort in talking to Sienna. I really wouldn't have deserved her and realize I'm probably doing her more favors by ending this, than I am myself. She deserves someone that can give her everything and so much more.

"Well, she's straight and in a relationship." I say bitterly.

"We've all been there." She says as continues to rub in a circular motion on my back.

I laugh a little at her response and she smiles a sweet smile back at me.

"It's hard to explain what really draws me to her. I just know when I first laid eyes on her, I felt like I knew she was going to be a big part in my life. It could just all be in my head, but it feels like there's this undeniable attraction and tension when we're around each other." I explain.

"It's all so confusing and I know how stupid it sounds. I can't even begin to express how stupid I feel for wasting a golden opportunity of being with you." I say.

"You're being too nice." She says, turning away from me.

"No, I'm serious. The last thing I want to do is hurt you, so I want to be transparent but Sienna, one day you are going to make someone the luckiest person alive. You're genuinely one of the nicest people I've met. You're absolutely gorgeous and you have an amazing personality." I assure.

She smiles and turns back to me to give me a weak smile. It's so weak that it breaks my heart. I know she's putting on a brave face and this isn't easy for her, but I know this is the right thing to do.

"Thanks for being honest... I'm not going to lie, I really liked you. It's going to take some time for me to lose my feelings and just be your friend. That is... if you are interested in staying friends." Sienna says.

"I'd love to be your friend and take your time. I'll be here." I assure as I give her a hug.

"Let's head back downstairs." She says.

"What are we going to tell Savannah?" I ask.

"That we're adults. We made a mutual decision that we wouldn't be a good match. She can't really be mad at that." She says.

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