Chapter Twenty: Bonfires and Dance Parties

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Rhea POV:

In the morning I decide to be nice and put more pain meds and water on Cami's nightstand. I figure she's probably going to be hungover and want those by the time she wakes up.

I have no clue where we really stand or what version of her I'll get by the time she wakes up. I decide I don't really want to find out and that it might be helpful to have a quiet house for her to wake up to. I know Savannah was going to go out with a few friends to catch up this morning and asked if I could bum her car for the day, so I could get myself and the boys out of the house.

The three of us went to a little diner that is a little ways out of town. The boys claimed it was one of their favorite places to get breakfast and I figured it didn't hurt to try it out. The place was packed, clearly a popular place for locals to go to, so I had high expectations.

"What's the plan for today?" Graham asks as we get seated.

"Whatever you guys want to do." I say.

"I want to go to the park!" Beck yells excitedly.

"We can go to the park. Is there something you'd be interested in doing today, Graham?" I ask.

He sits there and contemplates. I know he has an idea based off the face he's making, but for some reason, he won't say it. He doesn't quite get the time to either before the waitress comes and takes our orders.

"Aw, these your little guys?" She asks.

"I'm not little." Graham whispers in an irritated tone.

"No, they're not mine." I say with a friendly smile.

"Your brothers?" She asks.

"Just family friends." I explain.

"We really like her." Beck says with a toothy grin.

This causes me to smile at his response. I'm glad they like me and hopefully I can keep it this way.

"Well, I'm glad y'all like her. What can I get y'all to eat?" She asks.

"We'll all take the pancakes." Graham says before I can even get the chance to have an opinion.

She takes our order and gives us all a warm smile before making her way to the back.

"What if I didn't want pancakes?" I ask.

"Oh, you're gonna want these. They are to die for."  he says.

"Can't be better than my pancakes." I state.

"Oh, you mean the pancakes we never got to try?" Graham asks with a laugh.

"And whose fault was that?" I ask.

"Technically, Savannah's." He says.

"You got a point there." I say.

It becomes silent at the table. Beck is busy playing on his placemat and Graham blows bubbles into his water. It's a peaceful morning, but I can't help but wonder what's going through Cami's head. Will she even remember our conversation last night? How do I go about talking to her when we come home?

"Play tic tac toe with me, Rhea." Beck says as he passes over his placemat.

"Okay... but don't cry when you lose." I say.

"I never cry." He says.

"Bullshit." Graham says.

"Language." I warn.

"Sorry." He says.

Beck picks 'x' because he thinks it looks cooler and I pick 'o'. I already know I'm going to let him win, but I figure I should try and make him squirm a little.

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