Chapter Nineteen: Drunk Words Are Often Sober Thoughts

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Rhea's POV:

"Rhea, please." Savannah pleads.

"Why can't you do it?" I ask.

"I don't know, maybe because I'm slightly impaired from the smoking I did earlier." She says facetiously.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and contemplate the situation in my head. Savannah found her mom, drunk as shit and brought her to the bathroom. Savannah needs someone to discretely get her mom out of this event, without anyone seeing her and seems to think I'm the best option. I'd normally be down, but things normally don't go well with Cami.

She was nice to me earlier, but she always does that - she acts nice and then flips it. She could be a very angry drunk for all I know and that version of Cami terrifies me.

"I drank earlier." I say.

"I know it takes a lot more than a drink to make you tipsy. I recently smoked, things are still a little hazy if I'm being honest." Savannah says.

I put my hands on my hips. I want to say no, but I also want to make sure Cami is okay. What am I supposed to do?

"Please, Rhea. I can't have Ethan or her friends seeing her like this. Do this for me." She pleads.

I look into her pleading eyes. She knows I'm weak and have little resolve when it comes to those damn eyes.

"Fine." I say.

Savannah leads me to the bathroom where Cami is laying the floor around the toilet. She's completely passed out. What happened to her tonight?

"Jesus, Cami." I say as I crouch down next to her.

I gently move her hair from her face. Her face is a complete mess with her makeup running down her face and her lipstick smeared. I feel her stir as she feels my touch and her eyes flutter open.

"Rheaaa." She says as she gives me a weak smile.

Even drunk as shit, she's cute.

"Let's get you home." I whisper and pick her up bridal style.

"Thank you" Savannah says as I stand up.

"You have a ride home?" I ask.

"Yeah, Sienna's new guy is picking us up." She says.

Lucky bitch gets to meet him before me.

"Tell me about him when you get home." I say as I slowly exit the bathroom, making sure Cami's head doesn't hit the frame of the door.

"Deal. Take the side to the left. Not many people are going this way, so it might be your best shot of getting her to the car without anyone noticing." Savannah directs.

I follow Savannah's directions and get Cami to the car without anyone noticing. I carefully put Cami into the car and reach across her to grab the seat belt.

"You smell sooo good." Cami says in a sultry voice.

I do my best to ignore her tone and buckle her in. I quickly make my way around and into the drivers side and pull out of the parking lot. I look over to Cami and she looks completely out of it. I know we technically aren't on good terms, but I hope she's fine with me being the one taking care of her tonight.

"So... you and the bartender were pretty chatty tonight... what's her name? Nikki?" She asks in an irritated tone.

Is she jealous? Or am I crazy, because she seems jealous about me flirting with Nikki.

"Yeah, Nikki. It's just flirting Cami, it's harmless." I say, trying to diffuse the situation.

"Hmm." She says, as she's looks out the window.

Ethereal {WLW}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें