Chapter Tweleve: Lady In Red

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Rhea's POV:

Savannah is currently driving Graham and I to the school. It's my first practice that I'll be a part of and part of me is pretty nervous. It doesn't help that I have a lot going on my head right now. I may have inserted myself in some business that I shouldn't have last night and I may have over stepped a boundary.

Cami was pretty heated when she stormed off to her bedroom last night. I broke my own rule and got involved in their marital spat. I know I shouldn't have, but I couldn't stand the way he was speaking to her.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Savannah asks.

"I have too many." I say.

"Well, humor me and share a few." She says.

I don't want to tell Savannah about last night. I don't know how she would react to me inserting myself into her family's business.

"I guess I'm a bit stressed about being assistant coach. I have no idea how I'll do with these kids. I've never taught a kid anything." I say nervously.

It's not a lie and it's enough information to keep her at bay.

"Are you Dory? Because you must have short-term memory loss." She states.

"What do you mean?" I ask while laughing at her statement.

"Who has been helping Graham with soccer these past two weeks?" She asks.

"Well, he's different. I'm comfortable with him. I don't know these kids and they don't know me." I say.

"They're going to love you. Now, get out of my car." She says as we pull into the parking lot.

I grab Graham and I's duffel bags and we make our way towards the field. He's been really quiet today, quieter than usual.

"You okay?" I ask.

"My dad left again." He says sadly.

My heart breaks for the kid. I know that despite their strained relationship, he really loves his dad and wishes he was around.

"He just left for some work stuff. He'll be back." I say, trying to reassure him.

"You don't have to lie to me. I heard everything. I know he doesn't want to come back." He says.

The air feels heavy. I wish he wasn't exposed to all this and I could protect him from it all. It's not easy being in the middle of two incompatible parents.

I stop him and make him turn to face me, "him leaving says everything you need to know about his character. It had nothing to do with you kids. I want you to know that."

He looks up at me with sad eyes. His eyes are brimmed with tears as he quickly wipes them away. I don't want him to think any of this is his fault or think that there's something he could have done differently. This is an adult problem.

"I just wished they'd divorce and get it over with already. I'm sick of them always being at each other's throats." He says.

I completely understand his feelings. I wanted my parents to divorce so badly. They were always arguing over things that weren't worth arguing over and gave me a skewed perception on love. On one end, they were completely devoted to each other to the point that is was admirable, but the way they would argue and fight was nothing short of toxic.

"I get it. I really do." I say as I rub his shoulder.

We continue to walk and there's a comfortable silence that lingers around us. The air doesn't feel as heavy and he looks a little relived that he was able to express himself. I'm sure he has more to say but won't, I'm just glad I'm able to alleviate some of the weight from off his shoulders.

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