When the topic of conversation shifted to San Qian Luo Shui, everyone had gotten excited and wouldn’t let up discussing the “verbal war” that had taken place only recently. It actually fired up the atmosphere of the entire room immediately.

“Wantian, do you have a picture of San Qian Luo Shui? He’s really my idol, and I’ve been following him on Weibo. If you write a piece of news about him, I’ll marry you right now!” Hu Shuiping said nonsensically.

Everyone immediately jeered at him.

Someone chirped, “Don’t continue to bullshit, Shui. The difference in height between you and Wantian may not work in your favor. When you stand next to Wantian, you really do resemble ‘Tu Xingsun’ [1] in the classic novel, ‘Fengshen Bang’ [2].” And that got everyone in the room laughing.

Tang Wantian immediately patted Hu Shuiping on the head as if she was comforting a child and smiled, “There, there, be a good boy, and sister would buy you some candies later.”

“Big sister, I’d also like some candies.”

The little loli, Bei Bei, could not resist it and shouted out to Tang Wanlian when she heard the word ‘candies’.

Everyone burst into peals of joyful laughter as they looked at her cute and demure expression.

But poor Hu Shuiping wore a long face. Not only was he the butt of the joke, but to be spurned by a pat on his head dealt a blow to his ego. He was terribly upset, but he could not express it.

After they were done with eating and drinking, they all headed for the Karaoke room in the box.

The karaoke equipment was installed with an auto-scoring system, and it would show the scores every time a patron finished singing a number. The passing mark was 60, while really good crooners could sometimes get the full score of a hundred.

Qin Guiyue started the session with ‘Yi Sheng You Ni’ by Shui Mu Nian Hua. As the song echoed around the room, Zhao Mengqi lost her composure and broke into tears. This song had reminded her of everything about her past relationships with Xiao Luo. Each piece of memory flashed back so vividly, and it touched her very soul.

As the song ended, everyone tried to comfort Zhao Mengqi, who was beside herself in sorrow. Qin Guiyue glared at Xiao Luo with daggers in her eyes, convinced that it was Xiao Luo who had hurt her.

Guo Qinghe sensed that the situation was becoming awkward, so he quickly suggested a singing competition to liven up the situation. He promptly said, “I’m proposing a singing competition where everyone gives it a shot with their best songs. We’ll determine the winner by the system’s highest-scoring contestant, what do you guys think?”

“That is a great idea, but there have to be some incentives for the winner. It’d be boring if we didn’t have a prize to compete for.” Zhang Dashan said.

Guo Qinghe thought for a moment and responded as he adjusted his glasses, “How about this, each of us contributes two hundred to the prize pool, so that makes it two thousand four hundred bucks. The winner gets one thousand two hundred, the first runner-up gets eight hundred, and the second runner-up gets four hundred. How about that?”

“Chairperson, you can just be honest with me, if all you want is two hundred bucks, then you really don’t have to go by this singing competition trick.” Saying that Hu Shuiping slapped the two hundred bucks on the table, pouting and acting as if he was offended.

He was a barrel of laughs, and they all knew that Hu Shuiping was tone-deaf. His singing was so terrible that it would be more entertaining to listen to a monk reciting the scriptures. Some people could earn a living by singing, but in Hu Shuiping’s case, listeners could get so agitated it would likely cost him his life.

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