Now, all of that was gone; Steve was gone, going the other way, back to France and Tyler wouldn't see them for weeks.

Jordan noticed it, but he let Tyler be. It was best to give him space until Tyler reached out, or he knew he truly needed it.


The rest of the tour in Europe went well, but Tyler was quite distracted at any moment except for when they played shows. Because of Steve, of course. He spent as much time texting him as he possibly could; during the evenings when he knew Steve was in a hotel room on his own, he'd call him to talk and smile and laugh and he seemed happy. When Steve played a show at a night where Tyler didn't play a show, he felt bored, sad, a little lonely; a lot of things. Sometimes he'd call with Lucas or they'd try to cheer him up, but somehow Steve had become Tyler's happiness during that tour. He was the one that could make Tyler the happiest; make him smile the brightest, laugh the hardest, and give him more energy than anything or anyone else.

In the UK, Tyler met up with his Internet friend Casey, and they spent free time together. That was one of the highlights to Tyler; he'd loved meeting Casey and hanging out with him. They wrote a bit of music together, too. Casey had been a good distraction from Steve, but after they left, that distraction was gone.

At the end of the tour, when Tyler played his last show, they were supposed to go back to the airport to go home. And they did; they went to the airport. But not to go home.

They had parked their van at a private garage at one of Warner Artists' offices - which fueled by ramen was part of - and they took a cab to the airport.

They got in a plane to go to Paris instead. Tyler had let his family know that he wasn't gonna come back home just yet. It'd take a few more days. And everyone of his new friends knew about it. Everyone, except Steve.

Tyler had felt awful right before they had to leave - and the few days before, too. He had mentioned it to Shane, Shap, and Mark, and Michael but only Jordan was the one who truly took it seriously; Tyler didn't wanna leave yet. Their visas weren't expired yet; and Tyler didn't wanna go home. He wanted to see Steve, quite dang badly. He'd felt awful for a few days, and he knew he'd just fall into a deeper hole if he'd go back home now; he didn't want to go home. He wanted to be with Steve.

But Steve didn't know they were coming. And while Steve and the guys had played Paris a few weeks prior, they were back because they were nominated for an award, and they were attending the event. Because of that, they also had an extra show in Paris the day before the event. That's where they were heading right after they had landed; that's where Tyler would surprise Steve.

Tyler was glad that he took Casey's advice of using the public transport to leave the Paris airport instead of a cab, 'cause traffic was crazy busy. Tyler had his suitcase in one hand while he had his phone in the other, backpack on his back as they made their way to the venue.

He was tired, but not tired enough to go to the hotel the guys were staying at instead of the venue. He wanted to see Steve. He felt anxious as he thought of it; he didn't expect to see Steve so soon already, and Steve certainly wouldn't expect it either - he thought they were currently going home - and Steve definitely wasn't expecting them to be there.

As they got to the venue, one of the guys from the crew let them in and lead them down to hall to where they all were. Tyler could hear Brian talk to Steve.

"So, you're like, crushing on Tyler hard huh?" He heard him ask. Tyler let out a soft laugh as he rolled his eyes at Brian's words. "Shut up", he heard Steve say. "What? I'm just curious! How in love are you?" Brian asked. "Dude, I'm not gonna do this before the show", Steve said. "This moment is as good as any! C'mon, you're just in denial huh? Aren't you, Stevie? You're in deniiialll!" He heard Brian said. "Steve is in love with Tyleeer, Steve's in love with Tyyyyleeeer!" Brian said, and right after he said it a second time Tyler appeared in the doorway and Brian looked past Steve, right at him, smirking as he saw that he'd arrived.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now