"Oh, Uhm- I- I think I got my phone on do not disturb", Tyler said as he realized it. "Did you call twice in a row, babe?" He asked and Lucas replied yes. "You probably got through because you're in my emergency contacts", Tyler said. "Right, makes sense. I'm glad you picked up Ty, so I can let Kelly know you're okay. ...you're okay, right?" He asked. "Yeah, yeah I'm okay", Tyler said with a soft laugh. "I'll call momma tomorrow. I uh... I- I was on a- on a date", Tyler said.

"Ohh, with Steve?" Lucas asked, and Tyler thought he sounded pretty excited. Tyler blushed as he looked down at his lap. "Yeah- yeah, with- with Steve", he blushed. "Ohh Ty, that's so exciting! How was it? Is he treating you well? He better treats you well or I'm gonna get on a plane to smack him personally", Lucas said and Tyler laughed. "He's treating me very well, he really is", he smiled as he ran his fingers over a softer part of fabric on his jeans. "I'm actually still with him right now, back at the hotel", Tyler said. "Oh really? But- you're not gonna..." Lucas trailed. "No, no that's not gonna happen", Tyler smiled. "Taking it slow." "Good, that's great", Lucas replied. "I'm happy for you, Ty. I'm really truly super happy for you", he said. "Thanks, baby", Tyler smiled softly. "Makes me happy that you're happy for me." "You deserve to be happy more than anyone, love", Lucas said.

"Anyways, Ty baby, I'm gonna leave you to your date with Steve then", he said. "He says we're at the afterparty now", Tyler chuckled. "Lots of talking with a glass of wine." "That sounds like a perfect evening to me", Lucas said. "It is", Tyler smiled. "Have fun, baby. Imma let your momma know that she doesn't have to be worried and that you'll call her tomorrow", Lucas said. "Yeah, thank you", Tyler said. "Oh by the way, Jordan and Mike were downstairs having drinks with the others and Mike, Shap and Shane don't have the unlimited calls plan because it's expensive as hell when you're from the US and you wanna get that over here. So that's why you couldn't reach them", Tyler said. "Ahh, that's good to know. I'll let Kelly now that as well. Enjoy your night, baby. Love you, always will, so so much", Lucas said. "I love you too Luke, so much", Tyler smiled. "I'll speak to you soon. Bye baby", he said. Lucas returned it, before they ended the call.

Then it was quiet for a bit, until Tyler finally looked at Steve. He was expecting something different, but Steve's face was soft, a small smile on it. "You're cute when you blush", he said, which made Tyler blush even more. "So that's how you and Lucas talk to each other, hm?" Steve asked. Tyler bit his lip, taking a deeper breath. "Uh... yeah, yeah... that's- that's how", he softly said. Steve nodded. "Alright", he said, still smiling softly.

"...you don't mind?" Tyler asked. "No, he's your best friend right?" Steve asked. "I- uh... yeah, yeah he is", Tyler said. "I just... I- it might not be... standard, how we talk to each other", Tyler said. "I- I don't know if everyone talks to their best friend that way", he muttered.

"If that's how you and Lucas talk to each other as best friends and it makes you both happy, then who cares what's standard", Steve shrugged. "Neither of us are standard. You don't have to pretend you are. I don't do that either", Steve said. "You're truly okay with it?" Tyler asked. "Yeah I am", Steve smiled. Tyler smiled too, then leaned over to give him a soft kiss.

"So far, he likes you", Tyler smiled. "Thinks you're a hottie." "He does?" Steve let out a laugh. "Show me a picture of him. I'm curious now too", he said. Tyler grabbed his phone and he scrolled to the folder in his phone that had all photos and selfies of him and Lucas. Tyler realized that that was probably super weird, but Lucas didn't comment on it. Steve asked if he could hold Tyler's phone and swipe, and Tyler gave him permission.

Some pictures that he swiped past were of Lucas kissing Tyler's cheek, or the other way around; one picture was of Lucas asleep while cuddling up to Tyler, both shirtless in bed; not all of the pictures were very friendly-only. Some were more intimate, though there was nothing in there that was of them making out of being fully naked; nothing actually sexual. They were all very loving, whether the pictures were more intimate or public pictures of them in restaurants or on tour, taken by other people.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now