68 Heartless

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A Yao went to open the door.

The door opened, and standing outside was Takusa.

"Uncle Tuosha, what's the matter?" Zhou Yinkun played with the lighter in his hand, clicking one after another.

There was no one else around Tuosha, he walked in and asked straight to the point: "Did you do it?"

A Yao frowned slightly.

Zhou Yinkun didn't care: "Guess what, old man?" Tuosha was

silent for two seconds, it was useless to say these things now, he said: "Whether it is or not, Ah Hui is dead. No one is in your way now, you want to You can do whatever you want. I will handle Ah Hui's funeral, and you don't have to worry about his wife and children."

The man on the sofa sneered, stood up and walked to Tuosha.

"Uncle Tuosha, why do I need others to take care of my sister-in-law and niece?" Zhou Yinkun leaned closer and said quietly, "Thinking that no one will be able to find my grandson if he is sent to America?

" Seemingly surprised and disbelieving, she felt that Zhou Yinkun was deceiving him on purpose.

"Uncle, don't worry about other people's affairs." Zhou Yinkun put the lighter, which Zhou Yinkun had been playing with, into the pocket of Tuosha's Gua shirt.

"Otherwise, one day the fire will burn into my own house, and there will be no salvation."

Tuosha looked at him with a frown, looked at each other for a moment, then he took out the lighter and threw it on the table, and left without saying anything.

"Ayao." Zhou Yinkun called out.

"Brother Kun."

"Go and send my sister-in-law and little niece back. You can handle the funeral."

"Okay." Ayao answered and went out immediately.

Zhou Yinkun sat back on the sofa, "Go ahead."

"Okay." The lawyer continued what was interrupted just now: "Compared to making the designated heir disappear, there is a better way, which is to let the designated heir voluntarily sign the gift and transfer contract before reaching adulthood, but the underage The process of inheriting the estate will be more complicated than that of an adult heir, but compared with other situations, such as the death of the heir, the exercise of power by the heir after he becomes an adult, etc., it is much easier."

"Just do as you say." Zhou Yinkun looked at it The lawyer glanced, "The sooner the better."

"Okay, Mr. Zhou."


Xia Xia and Sama were sent back by Zhou Yinkun's people, and his people were also guarding outside the villa. In the name of protecting the safety of the mother and daughter, it is actually to prevent anyone from meeting them.

But at this time, Xia Xia didn't care about these at all.

With hands still wrapped in gauze, he carefully poured the freshly cooked porridge into a bowl, and walked upstairs with the bowl in both hands. It's just that every time you take a step, the wound on your leg will also hurt.

When she reached the door of Sama's room, Xia Xia paused. The pain in her legs and hands eased a bit. The girl took a deep breath, tried to smile, and then opened the door and walked in.

"Mom, I made porridge."

Sama sat on the edge of the bed, facing the window and her back.

From Xia Xia waking up, to going to the morgue, and finally being sent back, she didn't hear her mother say a word to her again. She's been sitting like that since she came back, motionless. No matter how Xia Xia called her, she didn't respond or look at her.

"Mom..." The girl's voice was choked up, she put the porridge aside, endured the pain in her leg, and knelt beside Sama's leg, gently placed her gauze-wrapped hand on her knee, and shook it.

"Mom, don't be like this, I'm scared, Xia Xia is scared." She looked up at the expressionless Sama, tears silently slid down the corners of her eyes and dripped on the ground.

The room is full of the aroma of porridge, but it gradually turns from hot to cold until it is completely cool.

Xia Xia knelt until the wounds on her knees and legs were already numb, and it didn't take Sama to look down. All the while she watched the window quietly and indifferently.

At this time, there were two "dong dong" sounds at the door, Xia Xia turned around, and there was a man in black outside.

"The funeral will be at ten o'clock tomorrow morning."


Zhou Yaohui's funeral was held grandly. Even though Zhou Yinkun himself did not go, in the eyes of outsiders, the money was well spent.

When A Yao came in, Kana had just brought Zhou Yinkun a glass of water. Seeing A Yao coming in, she knew that she had something serious to talk about, so she nodded slightly to him and walked out.

"It's okay. You can figure out the rest." Hanging up the phone, Zhou Yinkun glanced at the person who just came in, "Is the funeral over?"

"The funeral will start soon." A Yao said, "Brother Kun, Sa Neither Madam Ma nor Zhou Xiaxia went."

Zhou Yinkun was not surprised at all.

Once Zhou Yaohui died, only mother and daughter were left in the family. Most of them just cried at home, crying until they couldn't stand up to attend the funeral.

When he thought about it, he turned disgusted, "If you don't go, then don't worry about it."

A Yao hesitated, "Brother Kun, why don't you... go and have a look."

When he arrived at Zhou Yaohui's villa, an ambulance was parked outside. After entering the door and going upstairs, I saw the door of one of the rooms on the second floor was open, standing outside were Zhou Yinkun's people and a doctor in a white coat. Seeing Zhou Yinkun coming, everyone stepped aside one after another. The man reached the door of the room and saw the situation inside.

Under a huge wedding photo, lay a woman with a bloodless face. Her clothes were disheveled, obviously she had been rescued. She was still holding a large coat in her hand, which was a man's clothes, and it seemed that it was originally covering her body.

Sama was lying on the bed of her and her husband Zhou Yaohui, swallowed medicine and committed suicide.

He had seen many dead people, and there was no fluctuation in Zhou Yinkun's eyes. But his eyes were on the ground beside the bed, where a petite figure was curled up.

A Yao said that the first person who found Sama's body was Zhou Xiaxia who went to call her mother at the funeral time. The doctor determined that the time of death was last night, and it was too late by eight o'clock the next morning when he was discovered.

The girl was lying on the ground with blood oozing from the gauze on her leg. Her hair covered her face, and she remained motionless. If it weren't for the slight ups and downs of the body, anyone who saw it would think it was also a corpse.

Zhou Yinkun looked indifferently at the real corpse on the bed.

Most women are cruel, especially women who are mothers. They can kill themselves for their husbands, but choose not to live for their children.

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