Chapter One: Homeward Bound

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Rhea's POV:

"Are you sure about this?" I ask.

It's the last day of school. I finished all my classes for the year and now I was patiently waiting for final grades to be put in. I came into the college scene kind of late, as I'm 22 and a freshman.

College wasn't exactly on my list of things that I viewed as important straight out of high school. To be honest, I've never really been the scholarly type but after a big change in my life... I decided to try and figure my life out a bit and give college a try. Thankfully I did, because I met my lovely dorm-mate, Savannah.

Savannah is a free spirt. She is bold, funny, understanding, carefree, and always down to do some spontaneous shit. The day I walked into the dorm, I knew she was going to make a big impact on my life, I just didn't know how big. We instantly connected over our family issues and she helped me learn to let go. Everywhere Savannah was, you could bet that I would be shortly behind and vice versa.

Savannah is so kind that she offered for me to go back to her hometown for the summer, as she knew there wasn't much for me to go back home to. I had a pretty big falling out with my family over the years and if I didn't have to go home... I wasn't going to, but I also didn't want to impose on her family. It's a lot to ask a bunch of strangers to take you in for a summer and allow you to live in their safe space that they have perfectly curated for themselves.

"Would you stop worrying! I wouldn't have offered for you to come if I wasn't sure." she says as she cups both my cheeks in her palms.

"Plus, you're going to rile my mom up and I love ruining her mood." she states with a smirk.

Savanah and her mom don't have the best of relationships. Savannah's always been the rebellious type. Savannah's come home drunk more times than she can count, has been caught with weed multiple times, and coming home with a stick and poke tattoo at the ripe age of 15 probably wasn't on her mom's list of things she wanted for her kid. Her mom doesn't exactly agree with how she chooses to live her life, so bringing home someone like me may only piss her mom off more.

I wasn't exactly like Savannah. I wasn't the type to make rifts in the water growing up. I've always been very passive, but since meeting her, I've become more carefree. Despite becoming more carefree, I was still super stressed about going to her family's place. While Savannah was reveling in the fact of making her mom mad, I was nervous. I didn't want her mom to dislike me. After all, she was letting me stay in her house for three months.

Savannah has been very careful about what she shares with her mom about me. All she knows if that I'm a female, I have brunette hair, and that I don't exactly have a family to go back home to for the summer. I think Savannah is hoping that her mom will see my tattoos and my appearance and make an assumption about me, possibly taking any heat off of herself. I don't exactly know what Savannah is expecting, but I'm not too sure what I'm expecting either. 

I grab my two suitcases and roll them out to Savannah's car, promptly loading them and heading out on the road. Seven and a half hours of hell, here we come.

"So, what do you think your mom is going to think about all those bad boys?" I ask, pointing to her hefty new collection of tattoos that she got over the last 9 months.

"Oh, she's going to want to kill me. Christmas was easy to cover them up because of sweater weather, but she might actually have a stroke when she sees what I've spent all that 'grocery money' on." She says with a devilish smirk.

I chuckle at her response. Savannah's family comes from money, I mean the type of money that allows for her to have $2,500 hit her bank account every week. I don't complain though, since that money is what we used at every bar, club, and even got me a few tattoos on my birthday.

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