After the show, Jordan approached them. "Hey, Ty wants to say goodbye to you guys real quick", Jordan said. "His family is here today as well, which we didn't know until last night, so he'll spend time with them but since this is the last show of the tour, he asked me to come get you so he could say goodbye quickly", Jordan said.

Josh was happy that Tyler wanted to say goodbye; he just wished it wouldn't have to be rushed. They followed Jordan to the hallway, where Tyler had been waiting already. "Hey", he smiled. "I didn't know my family would come to this show too. I can't exactly throw them out", he joked. "But I just wanted to say goodbye", he said. "Oh man this is harder than I thought it would be", Jenna muttered. "Oh for me too", Tyler said with a soft laugh as he pulled Jenna into a tight hug. "Gonna miss you, girl", he said. "You're awesome. I loved getting to know you and spend time with you", Tyler told her. "Ty you're gonna make me cry", she said and as they pulled back, he saw a tear on Jenna's cheek. "Oh no don't cry", he said as he wiped it away gently. He pulled her closer and he pressed a kiss on her hair. "Take good care of Josh", he said. "Even when you're studying in Pennsylvania. He needs you", he said. "I will, I'll do anything I can", she said. "Good", Tyler nodded.

"You better take good care of him too", Tyler said to Jonathon, who nodded with a soft smile. "I will, I promise. I'll be by his side at every moment", he said. "Best answer you could've given", Tyler smiled as he hugged Jonathon. "You're truly a gentle giant", he said, causing them all to laugh.

"Hey babe", Tyler smiled as he turned to Josh, whose eyes were watery as well. "Oh I hate that I'm about to cry", he muttered. "It's okay, don't be ashamed of it", Tyler said as he pulled him in a tight hug. "You are... One of a kind, Josh", Tyler told him softly. "You're everything a person needs in their lives. Your wise words and your encouragement and how you can cheer someone up, it's truly, super special. Keep loving the way you do, yeah? Don't lose hope. You're gonna be okay, I know you will be. You're much stronger than you think you are", he told him.

Josh was crying, burying his face in Tyler's shoulder as he did so. Tyler felt his eyes sting but he swallowed a few times, not allowing any tears to escape. He didn't want to cry, not in front of them when they said goodbye. "I'm gonna miss you", Tyler whispered. "I'm gonna miss you too", Josh choked out. They didn't let go for a long time, hugging tightly, until Tyler loosened the hug and Josh let go. "Let's get one last picture together, yeah?" Tyler said. "We look like total messes though", Jenna chuckled. "That's alright", Tyler smiled. They all took a picture alone with Tyler, and a group picture. Tyler used his phone for a group selfie too, and one more pic with Josh.

"Off you go now", Tyler said. "Be safe when you go back to LA. Don't... Don't die", he said. "We'll do our best", Jenna smiled. Tyler gave them one last hug, before he walked away. "'Til next time", he said as he waved, and they did so too, and Jordan escorted them back to the exit. They said goodbye to Jordan as well, then Michael and Mark popped by for a quick goodbye, and even Lucas did so too. Then, they got outside, and it was quiet.

"Fuck", Josh mumbled as more tears rolled down his cheeks. "Oh baby", Jonathon said softly as he hugged him. "We're going to be okay. It's gonna be okay", he gently told his lover.


They got back to their hotel, and Jenna was in their room. Josh was tired but he couldn't sleep. "I'm gonna get some snacks from the vending machine", he said. "Okay baby", Jenna said. "Do you want any of us to walk with you?" She asked. "No, no it's okay", Josh said. "I'll be right back", he said. "Alright love", Jonathon said, and they let him go.

Josh's heart felt heavy. He hated the feeling. Tour was over, they were about to go home again. He wouldn't see Tyler anymore. It hurt.

He made his way to the vending machine, when he saw the sign that said OUT OF ORDER. He sighed softly as he turned around, about to go back to his room, but then remembered that there was a vending machine in the lobby. He went to the elevator, pressed the button, and he went down to the ground floor. He walked out into the fancy lobby, then turned the corner and walked down the hallway where the vending machine was. He put in some money, got a snack, when he frowned as he heard piano music coming from one of the doors in that hall.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now