Entertainment District-The Heavenly Demon

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"You know, you shouldn't do the same horrible things to others that were done to you." Law and Daki standing on top of the highest building on Yoshiwara District, also known as Entertainment District. Both are ready to fight anytime. 

"You're wrong about that! We do them back to others and collect on those debts. We can never make up for our own misfortune unless we collect it from the blessed!" Daki said with a distorted voice. Her voice...as if someone is talking to using her. They are truly one aren't they?

"What a bullshit reason for hurting others." Law didn't buy the reason they had. Collect it from the blessed? What a joke. 

Everyone were born in different families with each having its own circumstances. Some were born in a wealthy family, having to enjoy themselves in their wealth forever. There's also those who were born in hard life, scavenging through dumpster just to satisfy their hunger. Life's unfair to everyone.

There also those whose life were normal until one incident in their lives becomes a turning point that brought to them where they are now. Reality is often disappointing. Imagine that you were in top, but fall to the ground and need to start back from scratches. After all, the bigger they are, the harder they fall.

"That's the way we live our lives!" A third eye pops out from Daki's forehead. It seems Gyutaro had gave his left eye to his little sister.

"Do I look like a give a fuck if you live or not? You'll make us more favor if you demons just drop dead!" Law personally think that the eye on her forehead is just disgusting.

"You maggot! I'm going to chop you to pieces!" Daki bring out the entirety of her sash, extending it and controlling it like her own limbs. 

"With this eye, I can see every single movements! Now my brother's finally awake, I can finally awaken my true power!" She boasted. 

Law facepalmed. Is she an idiot or something? Telling her opponent her abilities. She's underestimating me. Whatever, this two would be a fun thing to dissect. He took on his face wielding his blade with a gloomy face.




Her sash were thrown targeting the surgeon. Law blocked the first sash, then swing his blade and cut the other sash that were aiming for his back. The third attack came from above, which Law parried it and send it away. Dozens came, and he's able to either cut or block it by himself. He handled the first volley easily.  More belts came in, he is trapped. But he never intended to lose. 

"This is the end!" Daki thought that he had cornered him. Oh boy, she didn't learn from her mistakes did she?

Law throw a rock on Daki, which she dodge easily. "Huh! Are you out of tricks that you result on throwing a rock? You're desperate eh? Stop with this futile resistance! You'll die tonight!" 

"You see, the only time I was desperate...

He made a quick hand sign, creating a room. Law creates a spherical space around Daki. This technique, isn't this the one that cut all of my belt?!

-is when I kill someone that I hated the most" He referenced Doflamingo in his last sentence.

"Shambles!" Law can swap the positions of him and the rock he throw earlier. 


The blue sphere disappear, along side the surgeon. How can he disappear just like that?! Daki was left with no answer. She prepare herself for any ambush. Did he run away? No! He must be around here somewhere! While Daki is busy with thinking where he's going to pop out, she was greeted with something.


Her neck was cut. Daki was flabbergasted. How did he get behind me that fast?! Nevermind that, I still have a control over my body. I'll kill him when he let his guard down! Daki planned to strike back when Law thought that it was over.

Law saw what she's doing and retreat back from her as her belts were back, protecting her. Law thought that it was over as soon a she is decapitated. Turns out it did not happen. Is she immune to decapitation? This is interesting....

"You damn ugly bastard!!!" Daki cursed.

"Have you seen a mirror?" Law asked mockingly. It only made the demon even more enraged. Law smiled as his provocation worked.

"You!!!!!!!!!" Daki is at her boiling point. Her belts are going wild as it could be. Destroying everything that's in range of her belt attacks.





All of the buildings near them were either slashed to pieces, or already collapsed as they succumb to the destruction caused by Daki's wrath. She really can't take insults, eh?

"Oi, you two." A voice in a playful tone interrupted their fight. Both of them look at where the voice came from.

"I don't mind if you guys wanna beat each other to death, but can you leave the buildings around this district alone? All of you guys, destroying all of this building, its bad for my business okay? What if they lose their financial source? It'll be hard for me." The voice told everyone that's fighting right now to not destroy the building while they're fighting.

"Who are you?! You must be courting death if you dare to order us around!" Daki laughed as he approach the man. Daki took his smile as an insult.

The man is blonde, wearing an all black from head-to-toe, with a red necktie and red-tinted sunglasses. He also wore a pink-feathered coat to top it. The man appear to be smiling in joy. He sit on top a leather chair painted red, holding a glass with whiskey on his right hand. On his left hand, there seems to be holding a fork with a piece of sea-bass. He seems to be enjoying a meal.

Daki gritted her teeth in anger. This man had the courage to sit outside, enjoying a meal while watching them fighting like its normal. And he ordered us at that, like we're some kind of amusement to him. 

Gyutaro had a complete different reaction from her sister. For he had recognized this man. He's like everything the description said about him. Tall, blonde, wears a pink coat, and always with a pair of sunglasses. He have heard about the stories of how Akaza, an Upper Three was humiliated by him. Not to mention, the man spared Akaza, saying that he's worthless ad wasting his precious time. 

His spine shivers as his hands holding the two sickles shake in fear. His expression screams terror. As he was horrified that the man was here. In terms of strength, Akaza beat Gyutaro and Daki in everyway. He was horrified that the fact his little sister is facing her own death.

"Don't, Ume!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed his sister's name in fearful tone. 

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