Never Fear, Reinforcement Is Here

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 After an hour of guiding Zoro to the right path, they were finally here, Shizu's village. On the way to the village, Shizu told Zoro everything that she knew about her village and the invasion. Zoro drools as Shizu informs him that her village is an expertise in brewing sake and wine. Zoro smiled as the fortune rain upon him, as soon as this problem is over, he shall drowned with sake. Shizu also brags a lot about her village, unknowing to herself. As sun falls down, Hordes of demons appear and ambushed the villagers.

Countless innocent people died to the demons. Shizu's tears starts falling down as she told him about it. Zoro felt pity to the girl, he maybe merciless to the enemies, but he never lands a hand to civilians. He's not a monster unlike them, the demons. His blood boiling over high temperature, he shall not give them even the slightest chance to survive.

Upon arriving to the village, Shizu is shocked to see her village looks like a ghost town. Her once lively village filled with grim and dead bodies. The village reeks with the stench of blood and something rotten. Zoro didn't want to find out where the smell comes from, as it ruins his appetite.

Shizu is worried about her family, her father, her mother and her sister. She hoped that they are safe sound, including the villagers. The two then walk their ways through the town. Zoro felt that they are being watched from somewhere, but he shrugged of the feeling. Shizu knew that the villagers are seeking shelters at the town hall, because that is the place where everyone evacuated during the attack.

While Shizu isn't looking, he started to scavenge the ruins of the town.Which is normal for him, he robbed from the dead in Thriller Bark before, he doesn't feel that bad. He found some coins, which is weird to him. Wano use silver and gold as their currency, not coins and paper notes. Questions flooded his brain, without answer. He kept some notes with him, as well as bottle of sake. He finished his sake earlier, better restock.

Zoro sensed a killing intent surrounding them, he realised that they are surrounded by demons. He screamed, "Woman! Get behind me!" as he sheathed his sword. A demon pounce towards Shizu, but the monster was blocked by Zoro. His sword crossed the sharp claws; he cut the arms and cut its body vertically, splitting its body into two thus killing the demon.

Using Haki is actually very effective against them; they can't regenerate themselves thus proving it to be lethal. Both of them were ambushed by demons, the demon that retreated must tell the alpha demons that they were here. Zoro is trembling with excitement; their alpha must be strong to control these demons. Demons jumped from off from the roof, their elements of surprise failed leaving them with direct combat. There are a dozen of them surrounding him and Mayuri. These demons are way stronger than the previous one; they can clash head on against him just like that. Their agility is somewhat impressive, but not as good as Zoro. These demons were angry that there are intruders in their territory. Mayuri! Go to the town hall first! I'll hold them off!" Zoro tells Mayuri to run away from there to the town hall. He clearly cares for her safety, but he's the type that doesn't show his affection to others. He takes deep breath and taunts them to attack him. Zoro literally outclassed these demons, so why not play with them? The demons felt humiliated by him, they are higher being than him and yet, they are being toyed by a demon slayer. "What's wrong? You guys pissed your pants or something? If I were you, I would run away with a tail between my legs." Zoro provoked them. "I can't stand this anymore! Your intestines will be my meal for tonight!" A demon assaults him. The demon has a very muscular build and a sword for both of his arms. The demon can't let a mere demon slayer to taunt him just like that. "Wait for a minute Kazura, don't fall for it!" A random demon warned him. Kazura shake of those warning. His pride is hurt because of this human, Kazura will never let people underestimated him and get away with it. Kazura jumped high in the air with his arms ready to build a momentum to smash Zoro flat. Before Kazura get his chance to hit the moss head, Zoro back step a couple inches to the back.

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