Thunderclap and Flash

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It's huge! It's huge! It's huge! Zenitsu keeps on repeating that word inside his head on a loop. A demon with spider-like arms and limbs came out of its hiding. Zenitsu is scared.

It's so huge! That thing is too huge! Zenitsu can't move, he's too scared to do anything. The spider then chuckled, leaving Zenitsu with a bad sign as tears fall from his and Chuntaro's eyes. For those that didn't know, Chuntaro is the name of Zenitsu's sparrow.

The spider demon showed Zenitsu his smile, sending chill run through his spine. "You know what? I refuse to speak with anyone like you!" Zenitsu then run away from the scary-looking demon.

"It's no use running away, you're already losing." The demon stated.

"What are you muttering about? I don't want to hear it, so stop talking to me!" Zenitsu cried.

"Take a look at your hands, kiddo" The spider demon revealed. Zenitsu took a glance, he stopped crying. His left hand was infected by some sort of poison. The veins is bulging, purple mark started to spread through out his hand.

"What's this?" Zenitsu panicked, He is scared for his life.

"Poison, you got bitten by a spider right? That poison will turn you into a spider too." Zenitsu don't want to die, he's still young, he didn't get to confess to Nezuko-chan yet. He don't want to be a stinky spider!

"In another 30 minutes, you'll be my slave, crawling all over the ground! Hahaha!" The demon laughed. The demon got another member for his spider clan. Good for him.

He then continued, "Look at this, it's a clock. Do you understand? By the time this long hand goes around once, you'll have become a member of the spider clan!"

When the needle arrives here, you'll start to feel tingling and pain in your limbs. When it's here, you'll also feel dizzy and nauseous! Here, you'll experience intense pain, and by the time you wake up.." The demon laughed harder and harder after seeing Zenitsu's reaction. Describing how became a spider makes him more terrified than before.

Looking at the clock, tears formed in his eyes, but it didn't fall. He heard the sounds of spider walking in his direction. The spiders clearly were an abnormal. Not because of their huge size, but the human head attached on their necks. Zenitsu is losing it, he screamed and run towards a tall tree and climb it. He wanted to get away from them, he began to cry on top of the tree after his hair started to fall.

"Huh, I can see that you want an extra dose of poison to run into one faster." The demon harassed him.

"No! No! I don't want to turn into one!" Zenitsu weeps. He found himself in a flashback from his training with his gramps.

Get a hold of yourself!

Stop crying! Stop running away!

Doing that won't get you anywhere! 


Come down from there! We're going to continue training!

"Oh no! I'm sure I'll die if I do any more training!" This the daily life of Zenitsu after being taken by the gramps. A day after day, it's always training. This is also near the time when he got struck by lightning.

I was thankful to be alive, but I... I hate myself more than anyone else. I always think I have to get my act together, but I end up cowering, running away, sniveling. I want to change. I want to be a competent person. Even still! I'm doing everything I can, all right? So why do I have to end up going bald and turning into a monster? It can't be true, right?

"What's up with this guy?" the spider demon asks himself. This guy has completely lose it. What moron talks to a tree? In his perspective, Zenitsu is seen talking to a tree. The spiders climbed their way up to the tree where Zenitsu is cowering.

A Cook, A Doctor, and A Ghost + A SwordsmanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora