Just Next Door II

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"Why? Why did you kill him?!" Rengoku demand an answer from the Ronin himself. He can't understand why did he do it.

"Aren't you suppose to protect? Why did you do this? I've heard a lot of heroic tales about you! Why did you kill that man?" Rengoku keeps pressing attacks after attacks. His burning rage is burning brighter.

"Oh, only if you knew...." Zoro backs off a bit and started to explain his own perspective.

Killer Queen Daisan No Bakudan, Bite Za Dusto!

Zoro is just patrolling for any demons since the night fall upon the town. He didn't leave any stones unturned and yet unable to find even a single demon. He began to become skeptical, is there even any demons here to begin with.

Five minutes after that, he gave up on searching or find anymore leads. He's done. It maybe just some stupid rumors that he believed in. Waste of my time here, I should've gone sipping beers right now. Zoro whined as he got something better to do than this.

"Arghhh! A monster! Someone help me! Please somebody, anybody!" Someone whimpered from the alley near him. 

Zoro smiled, finally, some action. I'm getting bored to death over here. He jump straight on the action. A man is seeing lying on the ground, trying to get away from what is chasing him. The man look pale as hell.

"Please! I'll give you anything! Don't eat me!" The man plead to the demon in front of him to not kill him.

"I'm hungry right now, and I seem to can't find anyone left in this night. So you'll do for now." The demon can't wait to hunt another pray. He'll take anything that seems to be eaten right now. He can't afford to be picky.

"Hey, you over there." Zoro interrupts. The demon look behind. Another fool waiting to die so it seems. That's good.

"Why don't you pick someone your own size?" Without any warning, he assaulted the demon with his blade. The demon dodged easily. "A Demon Slayer? Color me surprise." The demon expecting a Slayer to come, but not this early.

"Is that what you can do, Demon Slayer? You can't beat me with that type of skill." Unknowingly, Zoro didn't aim for the demon, he was actually aiming for the guy. He wants to save him first.

"I see, it appears that I've been tricked." The demon said realized what is Zoro's true intention.

"You okay?" Zoro give the man a hand. The man grab his hand and stand right back up.

"Thank you! Thank you for saving me!" The man thanked him for his actions.

"Thank me later, I got more problems to solve first." The Ronin sheathed Kitetsu, holding his two swords with him.


Zoro could feel something stabbed him from behind, the man he helped him earlier shanked him. Don't tell me it was a trap?! Zoro figure out that this is all just a trap to lure a victim. So this is their modus operandi.

"Huh, I guess another one fell for it." The man smile smugly.

"Why? Why did you do this?" Zoro asked him. He still didn't budge from the ground where he were stabbed. 

"For money of course." The man replied. The demon killed their target and the man loot the body, everyone is happy.

"ALL of this just for money?" Zoro gripped his hand tight. Among the missing individual, there's children on the list. Because of money, this man sacrificed innocent lives. It is unforgivable.

The man that shanked him expecting blood to came out from Zoro but when he pulled out the knife, it was bent. He is shocked beyond words. How could a man have a skin this hard?! It turns out that Zoro were expecting that attack and used his Armament Haki at the last second.

He punched the guy in the face and dash straight to the demon. Zoro couldn't control his anger anymore. They crossed the line when kids become victims. Just because of money, he would let the innocent died? Zoro is boiling out of anger.

Two Sword Style, Hawk Wave!

A powerful blue slash comes flying to the demon. The demon was scared for his life and tried to run away, but the semi-flying slash caught up to him and take his head. The demon didn't put up a fight. It means that he is very weak.

The man who was in cahoots earlier tried to sneakily run away, but he is detected by Zoro. " Were do you think you're going?!"


Zoro amputated the man's legs. Both of them."Arghhh!" The man groaned in pain. Even after getting amputated he's still alive and wants to escape. He crawls his way to find the someone willing to help him. Let's see how long you'll last. Zoro knew that man will die any sooner. He lost too much blood after all.

Back To Present..

"Everyone deserves a second chance!" Rengoku looked to the dead man's body. He could be a better person if guided back. It's a waste of life!

"You Demon Slayers are disgusting and hypocrite, don't kill human? Don't make me laugh, there's no such thing as black and white! There's also grey area that you dipshit didn't know it, be grateful that I'm NOT your enemy" Zoro made a good point. This man caused so many deaths alongside his demon accomplice, he's not going to get away that easily.

"I...." Rengoku was left speechless. The Ronin was right, if the man is getting away scott-free then what about justice for the others? That is seemingly not fair.

While Rengoku is having a hard time thinking, Zoro sees an opening. He took that opening and kick Rengoku in the stomach while at it. Rengoku was taken aback but still, he's still standing after that kick. It send him back a few meters.

"Think about it wisely, Demon Slayer." Zoro reminded the Hashira. He swing his blade from the ground, creating a powerful slash followed by strong wind that was brought by it. Rengoku is caught off guard as he tried his best to block it.

"One Sword Style, 36 Pound Phoenix!"

The Flame Pillar opened his eyelids, he was dreaming. He slept on the porch of his house, fell asleep unintentionally. It is still midnight. Until now, he's still amazed at how the Ronin is able to create a semi-flying slash. Even the Hashira, that trained for years can't do it and yet that man manage to do it easily. 

That man manage to fend-off the Hashira. The kick that the Ronin gave to him still stings until now. That kick pack a punch, Rengoku wouldn't lie. His swordplay is unique and unpredictable, though Rengoku wondered why Ronin always carries three swords.

It didn't matter right now. He needed to get a good sleep. Joker alerted them that the Ronin will arrive at the base tomorrow morning. He also wanted to spar with the Voyagers. He wanted to see for himself how strong are they.


Hey guys! It's me the author! I just wanted to tell you we hit 10K reads!

I'm so happy and I'm grateful to all my readers that helped me getting where I am right now!

Thank you so much!

I'm sorry that I publish late because I had some things I need to take care off, sorry!

-Love, Author-

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