Entertainment District-Envy

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Law and Uzui could see the remains of the battle that ensued. Law is standing on a rooftop, that has some puddles of blood. He dipped his hands on them and rubbed it between his hands. This was Tanjiro's. I'm sure of it. 

Uzui persuade him to try and find Tanjiro while he's here, checking the aftermath of the battle. "We can't be doing such unflashy work like this, we need to hurry." Deep down, Uzui is worried for Tanjiro. It was his fault after all, leaving him just like that. 

"There's a fight broke out here. Tanjiro had reached his limits here." Law knew that Tanjiro has Hinokami Kagura Breathing Technique. However, its aftereffects are too great if not handled properly.

"Then, what happened to him?" Uzui demand an answer. Law began to search through the rubble. Uzui can't understand.

"What do you think?" Law pulled out an empty wooden box. Uzui recognized this box, its a box where Tanjiro keep his little sister safe.

Law had knew from the remains of the battle that the battle between Tanjiro and the demon was interrupted by someone. The aftermath of the recent battle is different. Tanjiro is not the strength type, so its impossible for him to create such a mess. Her little sister would do what a sibling do, stand up to protect each other.

Now, it's either Nezuko or the demon who'd had been knocked out few blocks from here. "Follow the trail of the ruins, we'll find him there." They followed the ruins that led them to found Tanjiro and Nezuko. Uzui goes in while Law evacuate all the residents of the house.

Back to the present time

Baby bunny on the hill....

Tell me why your eyes are so red....

Because when my mother was expecting me,

she dined red berries from a tree...

And that is why my eyes are so red...

"So my brother's eyes are red because when he was in your tummy, you ate red berries?" Her mother just laughs at that question. 

"Waah!" Remembering the moments she spent with her mother, she cried as loud as possible. Tanjiro watch as her little sister shrink little by little back  until she stopped shrinking, still crying slowly in his lap.

"So she finally asleep." Law, surprised Tanjiro.

"L-Law-san!" Tanjiro exclaimed as soon as he saw Law, towering over him who is sitting beside his sister that fell asleep on her lap.

"Looks like you survived. I'm sorry that I didn't arrive on time. I'm glad that you didn't die or get devoured." Law breath a sigh of relief that Tanjiro is fine. He didn't have any serious injuries that worth taking note.

"Now, stay here. I'll take care of this." Before Tanjiro had anything to say, Law put his hand on Tanjiro's hair and rustle it gently.


"Hey, come back here! Where do you think you're going?" Daki ask for Uzui's respond that seems to be leaving.

"I can't believe you had the gall to behead me! You're going to pay for this, you hear me?" Daki keeps ranting about how she's going to give Uzui the most painful death.

"Are you still whining and moaning? I have no use for you anymore. Just die an unflashy death." The Sound Hashira replied with his head sticking out to her.

"Don't give me that! In the first place, you said I wasn't an Upper Rank, didn't you?" She's clearly an Upper Rank. Did this human just mocked her?

"Then, why is your head in your hands? That's beyond weak! Did your brain matter explode or what?"

"I haven't lost yet, all right? I'm an Upper Rank!"

"You've lost. That's totally obvious."

"I'm powerful, you know? I'm still number 6, but I can become stronger-

"Not buying it!"

"I really am Upper Six! I'm telling the truth! I'm amazing, you hear me!" Reaching her limit, she started to cry. The demon crying startled Uzui as he was not expecting. She's throwing a tantrum? Wait, is she ever gonna stop talking? She's not disintegrating after she was beheaded! 

Uzui is on guard after sensing that something isn't right at all. The demon keeps on crying and crying. Until it caught Doflamingo's attention. He understood why did the demon cry. Its not some random act before death. She's calling for help. Someone to back her up. It make sense since she's so weak. 

"He cut my head off! He cut my head off! Brother!!!!!" Suddenly, a man emerged from her body. Not giving any chance for the thing to fight back, Uzui swing his blade first.



"Come on, there's no use crying. Can't you reattach your head yourself?" The demon emerged from her body, quickly taking her to another part of the room, evading the attack made by the Hashira. The demon reattached Daki's severed head, comforting her while doing so. Who's the other one than emerged from her back?

"Is that a burn on your face? Look here. You need to take care of your face, since you were born with such pretty face." The demon praised her for having such a beautiful face.



"Huh, not bad. You stopped my attack, didn't you? Even though I was going for the kill. Good for you, man." The demon was a tall man of a fairly muscular build, with a black-dotted, pale grayish complexion. His anatomy was quite strange in that his upper torso, arms and legs were all extremely muscular, whereas his waist was incredibly skinny, his pelvis jutting out at an unnatural angle.

He has unruly black hair that cut sharply off to a brighter green around the crown of his head, worn messily styled with uneven bangs and several ahoges. His body and face has noticeable ink-like markings in the form of black spots on his body and a flowing water-like pattern on his face. Simply, he's ugly as fuck.

"Luck you, man. That face of yours is nice. I like your skin, too. Not a blemish, birthmark or scar to be seen, eh? And you have some meat on your bones too."  The mysterious demon further complimented Tengen's face, skin, flesh, and height. This is getting weird in some way.

"I can't gain weight, no matter what. You're a tall guy, too! I can see that you're well over six feet! You must get ton of attention from ladies, right?" He continued, while Daki sat beside the demon, sobbing like a little girl.

"Oh, how I envy you! Would you mind dropping dead? In the most antagonizing way at that! My sweet little sister was doing her best with the little brains she had. So I massacre who bully her."  Feeling envious of the Hashira, Gyutaro threatened him with a painful death. Hearing Daki's complaints about 's involvement, he promised to exact vengeance upon all those who had hurt her.

"You're going to spin round and round when you die. Because my name is Gyutaro!"

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